Storage Solutions Save Me from the TORTURE!!!!


When i first heard my Seagate 160GB HDD making clicking and spinning noises, I thought it was going to die i made a backup of all my important data and was waiting for it to die....

It's still working and it's made my Pc experience a nightmare...It takes an awful lot of time to just get to the welcome screen(using vista by d used 2 work perfectly fine until i started hearing those spinning noises i guess that's no ram problem)...... random freezes...:(

i even got a few messages like 'boot device not found' ,but when i restarted a few times,it started working alright......

i have opened the cabinet,checked for loose connections and connected them all over again...(ribbon cable and power cable..they r perfectly connected)


most of them-FAIL

THE WORST PART IS THAT i cant rma's not dead yet....:mad: .....

i have a couple of queries regarding this....

1.Can i RMA my HDD only if it is dead?

2.I stay in hyderabad and i got my HDD from i have to give it to the dealer for RMA'ing it or can i directly contact Seagate ? (cos those guys in CTC will probably take forever to get a new one)

3.If i can directly give the HDD to seagate, how can i do so? Where can i find their service centres?

I remember a thread saying Seagate will pick up hard disk's from your doorstep and i even noted down their toll free that service available in Hyderabad ? If it is, at what extra cost?

Hi there. No need to worry dude. You dont have to wait for ur hdd to eventually die. Im frm Hyd too. U can take the hdd directly to the service center. They probably wont even ask u abt wats wrong with the hdd. If they do, tell them abt the tests u ran and the noise issues. If u take it to CTC they will take more days to get u a replacement. Dont know if Seagate has pick service, atleast i never heard of it. Maybe others can enlighten us.

The name of the service center is Accel Frontline. Its near YMCA, Secbad. Right before u reach YMCA on ur left side u will find a complex and the service center is present on the first floor above some Bank(cant recollect the name). Make sure u have some time to spare coz usually its crowded and the guy there is pretty slow to even accept,login stuff and provide u a receipt. Usually takes arnd 4 days to 1week to get a replacement.They close arnd 5pm so go there atleast an hour or two before that. Its a good thing that uve been able to back up ur data......Cheer up!
Just take it to the service center..they will give you a replacement within a week, and if ur lucky u might get a larger capacity hdd as replacement.