Saw a lot of win7 download related threads getting deleted !!!!

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I have been seeing a lot of people asking for WIndows 7 download link and stuffs, amnd the post getting deleted within minutes like all other illegal download related threads.

but i ask the mods, 'please make sure its legal or not'.

i think such threads are 100% legal and shudnt be deleted, but instead be helped with whateva information we have got.

For others information, even though Microsoft has pulled back Windows 7 7100 direct download link from their site, they havmt said its illegal to download the same from many other sources. Many reputed sites still hosting the files and free to download.

eg: download from

One can still get a 100% working and legal key for win 7 7100 from Microsoft site itself and they say "until october 21 2009

check here:

You can have a 100% legal copy of Win7 RC 7100 in this way. Just see the quote from MS page

Sorry, the Windows 7 RC is no longer available for download. If you’ve got the download and need a product key, they’ll be available until October 21, 2009.

Windows 7 RTM 7600 is the retail version as far as i know. Keys for it should be purchased and 7100 keys never gonna work for it.

Atleast it legal until MS pulls back giving out free keys from their site, atleast ie Oct 21 2009 they say [on the above link.].

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