Say Hi To Roomba


Just got the Roomba 560

So this guy is supposed to wake up when you are off to work, roam around the house on its own, cleaning up all the mess you made in last night's party and go back home and dock itself once it is done with the job...

So that once you are back home, your home is spanking (hopefully) clean...

Just got it a few hours ago...It's supposed to be pretty decent at cleaning up

Has tonnes of sensors including sensors for dirt, walls, obstacles, staircases, floortype etc. and does its job on a supposedly pretty nifty fuzzy logic algorithm that allows it to map the room in its small silicon mind

It can also detect where its charger is kept so that if it is running low on battery while doing the job, it'll return back to the charger, and then resume its cleaning once the charging is done

For once, a device that I thought is worth showing off ;)


  • roomba.jpg
    18.3 KB · Views: 215
that round box can do all of the things you mentioned? :p

thats seriously cool then! yeah please do post a video of your new maid at work. :D congrats! :D

whats the damage?
Wow something unheard of, congratulations,

doesn't it seem like we are slowly crossing into that science fiction movies we saw 10yrs back!