Beware of Carding- Huge scandal and illegal way of procuring goods online!
Carding is a type of fraud in which a thief steals credit card numbers, makes sure they work, and then uses them to buy prepaid gift cards. The fraudster may sell the prepaid cards or use them to purchase other goods which, in turn, can be resold for cash.
Disclaimer: I'm in no way here to promote or advertise carding and related activities but simply to make you aware about the carding scam, how to not fall for it and the consequences and its dirty cheap business.
Its a huge dark scam which might land you in a big legal trouble further both local and overseas.
The catch: Real actual products are never ever delivered. Mind it!
Why discuss about carding here?
An eye-opener.
Now why I decide to bring this topic as it might happen some people here might be selling or have sold carding stuff for cheap rates though not that cheap but relatively yes, may be in the name of gifted items or items not required within a very short span and recent warrnty items wihtout bills/invoices stating irrelevant excuses and reasons..
No, I"m not saying all sellers are like this but some can be.
There is no way of ascertaining if the goods offered for sale are obtained genuinely or via carding way.
And currently if no one is selling such stuff then this will act as a major alert here for upcoming/future sales!
@Mods: You can include and mark this as an important point in market section rules.
How I found about carding: One fine night a friend got auto-joined to such xyz group and he was overwhelmed and shocked about the products offered and pricing, so he though about consulting me before moving further and glad he did as I digged deep in no time and found its something illegal and a serious crime. He got saved from getting duped and from sharing his personal info.
Rest, I researched further more and even joined few such groups just to get an idea whats the fuss and whereabouts.
Refer to the screenshots and communications with carders and groups.
Carding is an illegal process or biz and both the carder and carder are liable for facing legal cyber crime actions if ever traced or found suspicious.
The sole purpose is to befriend, win trust and loot the buyer by fooling him/luring him into purchasing the product without any force but gently trap him into this. No matter if the amount is just 100bucks or 10-20k.
The most common scams are about iPhones as every 2nd idiot around wants to hold an iPhone so naturally when you hear about a warrantied iPhone for 8-15k then many people are ready to risk.
All carding requirements are sourced from dark web and though I can list the most common per-requisites I wont be doing so as I'm not here to tut on carding but to make you aware about the scam that's it!
So don't pm me for such info as google is your bf! I wont entertain such requests.
How it all begins:
You hear it from someone or are automatically randomly added to such groups.
You see a lot of costly luxury products for dirt cheap throwaway prices and new guaranteed deals every hour/day/week.
Mouth watering and shocking, you decide to dive deep and scroll around though the screenshots videos shared by buyers etc.
You pm the admin/carder
You are greeted very politely with zero force from their ends, they will answer your every noob query without frustration.
You feel confident.
You decided to move forward
Congrats on first step of fooling duping yourself!
Payment methods are shared/upi/gpay etc.
You deposit the money
Congrats on second step of duping yourself!
In sometime expect tracking details and screenshots
In few days expect Out of delivery shipment tracking status
Product not delivered to your OR
Product got delivered to you but its not the one you paid for.
Congrats on last steps, you fooled and duped yourself! Enjoy your iPhone!
Carders might ask you for some minimal advance order amount or might first place an order for you to win over you to show he has genuinely ordered it with tracking details etc.
They will even ask you that pay us once your order gets shipped. This is to win over your confidence, trust and showing genuineness.
Also, delivery proofs can be faked easily using few techniques looking just like genuine one. Where you will believe its all true.
But the catch, the tracking/ordering id is all fake or even if he has placed any order its surely not for that iPhone etc. product but a mere cheap xyz product not costing more than 100/500 bucks. Iphone cover for instance.
Once your order is out for delivery, you are naturally delighted and then these guys ask you for the said amount which you obviously pay them shut-eyed or even if you say will pay after delivery they are OK with it as its not at all any loss to them.
The sole purpose:
There is this group or gang of carders to which your deposited advance sum is equally distributed, even if its 100 bucks it goes like 5/10/20 bucks per person. So even if you feel WTF just 20 bucks, well behind the scene many 100s of user have already trusted these gangs and they already deposited Ks of huge sum duping you fooling ya!
Its just a trap, you fall, you lose, they gain, you back out at the last moment, they will hurdle abuses and block ya but you are safe & saved!
Every carder will advertise that he is a pro/real/true/genuine etc. carder which he is not!
You can verify his integrity by testing basic knowledge by going into his head asking him in depth about basic definitions etc. of the terminologies used and he surely will get into abusive lingo and block ya... you just detected a fake carder (99.9% are fakes BTW)
They are openly operating groups in the name of Govt./Customs. They even conduct online courses, tutorials etc. of course not free but in the end they know you gonna get nothing but either get trapped or caught and at least duped!
Remember: Your real home/office/delivery address + transacted banking details is in their hands so imagine the consequences and misuse of info. or during an inquiry the beans are spilled..
I will urge you all to know about carding but never fall into the trap or practice it for yourself or to dupe others etc.
In the groups you might see whatsapp shared screenshots stating item successfully delivered, very much praising words, future deals etc. but all these msgs are actually fake, cooked and posted by their gang members behind fake profiles!
@Mods you review the post per TE guidelines and alter if any changes required per site governance!

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