Sci-fi movies that were not a commercial blockbuster but you loved


Staff member
  • Dark City: I had watched it slightly less than 20 years ago and it surely was a movie to remember. Even had it burned on a DVD at that time.
  • District 9: Loved how it was narrated from the protagonists perspective, the emotions that he went through. Definitely wanted a sequel but it never came. Became a fan of Neill Blomkamp.
  • Serenity: Another super movie. Subliminally programmed me to use the phrase subliminal programming.
Bonus: Check this show if you haven't watched it..
Raised by Wolves
I was so sad when HBO cancelled it. Both Mother and Father were awesome characters.

My Picks that aren't already mentioned above:

Sunshine : A Danny Boyle classic. My first intro to Cillian Murphy. Need to rewatch it as I have forgotten a lot but I remember enjoying the cinematography a lot.
The Man From Earth : A cult classic but I'm sure no one watched it when it released. One of the very few films that can keep you interested while almost entirely happening in just one room.
Gattaca : A proper Sci-Fi action that is written and acted well. Should have been much more successful.
Looper : Not sure if this belongs on this list as it was a sleeper hit (peaked from word of mouth) but the initial reviews were bad as I remember.
Upgrade : Think this is Australian and not Hollywood but was very well made.
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I was so sad when HBO cancelled it. Both Mother and Father were awesome characters.
Yes they were awesome, including Marcus. The show was interesting till some point. But they were taking things too slow (excessive padding??) and at some point it was very boring and relied on characters alone. I expected it would be cancelled. The concept was great, shouldn't have got cancelled, makers shud have corrected the pacing/lag and remove insignificant scenes.
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Still worth starting if it is Cancelled. Does it end abruptly before it was cancelled?

Not very sure. I watched only Season 1. Season 2 was delayed and by the time I would have got around to watch it, I heard it was cancelled, so I lost interest in it if the story wasn't going to get a proper ending. In season 1, I liked the characters and world building a lot. The younger kids (Raised by Wolves - so it has many younger characters being raised in an alien environment) were sometimes annoying, but the two leads were exceptional actors and they kept me hooked. As Ssreek mentions above, it was slow at times, but I don't hate slow pacing at all, so I still enjoyed it. Still think they could have easily edited out some of the filler parts but the meatier parts were interesting enough for me to tolerate that.
2010 : Poorly received after the success of 2001. I liked it though.
Flubber : Kid's science fiction. Robin Williams. Period. Loved it as a kid, still love it as an adult.
The Fly : David Cronenberg and Sci-fi Horror at its best.
Contact : An underrated success.
The Man From Earth : A cult classic but I'm sure no one watched it when it released. One of the very few films that can keep you interested while almost entirely happening in just one room.
This was super nice.
Not scifi but i found phonebooth fun too and its almost all in small area around a phonebooth.
I don't know about loved, but I remember Equilibrium being a fun, somewhat silly movie.

I rewatched Johnny Mnemonic a while back, and was a little underwhelmed, but I remember it making a strong impression when I first watched it long ago.
Passengers (2016), liked the movie.
Made good profits, but don't know how it fared in India.
Idiocracy, a 2006 American science fiction comedy film, read about it today.
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I loved this old CGI sci-fi flick called "Final Fantasy - The Spirits Within"... with characters voiced by the likes of Alec Baldwin etc.

The Man from Earth (2007) was something else!
The Man From Earth : A cult classic but I'm sure no one watched it when it released. One of the very few films that can keep you interested while almost entirely happening in just one room.

Apart from that, Moon (2009) was also a good one!!!
I loved this old CGI sci-fi flick called "Final Fantasy - The Spirits Within"... with characters voiced by the likes of Alec Baldwin etc.

Watched this ages ago and was blown away by the CGI. Should watch it again in the best available streaming quality now...
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
About Time
Don’t Look Up
Source Code
Children of Men
10 Cloverfield Lane (this one is very different from the Cloverfield series and will highly recommend.)

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