PC Peripherals Scratched CDs?? - use toothpase lol


My original xp cd was scratched so bad I couldn't copy it to make my unattend cd. The only backup I had was slipstream with sp1a. I tried a few programs to recover all the files from the original disk, but none were 100% effective. Then I read about toothpaste. Unfortunately I can't remember the site I read about this on.

Anyway, get some cotton balls and put some toothpaste on them. Rub your scratched cd with the cotton balls until the majority of the scratches are gone.
Rinse the disc with water and dry it with a cloth that won't scratch.

This worked great for me. I just used paper towels to rub the toothpaste in, and to dry it. I put the disc in and was able to copy and paste the disc onto my hard drive without any errors.
