Monitors screen resolution vs video resolution ? help

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hello friends
i have 32 sony led tv which support 1920 x 1080 resolution.
i connected my laptop to it.
on 1080p resolution text looking very small so i set resolution 1360 x 768 then text resolution ok for me
my question is
does video playing quality effect by screen resolution example lower at low screen resolution vs high at high screen resolution(same video like youtube videos)?
screen resolution effect video quality or not?
Bigger the resolution more details can be seen. When you reduce resolution everything is crammed up close. And if you have higher resolution videos/movies better watch on 1080p then reducing resolution And LCD/led work better on there native resolution. If you put low resolution video on high resolution display u will see upscaling.
Increase the text scaling in display settings. That should solve your problem. Set text scale to 125 pct.
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