SE W960i Bargaining

I m planning to go ahead and buy the SE W960i.This is going to be my first big buy as i m going to buy it frm my own pocket.but if u guys have chked ..:: [url] ::..[/url] and - Home, the price of the fone is a staggering 27,000 (26,999/-).

i know the following question is going to sound really noobish and superbly stupid. i want to know is there any shop in mumbai (no Gray markets plz, strictly :no: :no: ) where i can bargain for a lower price of this fone as i really want this fone badly.may be 23k or even less than that..:huh: :huh: :huh:

Plz help me with ur expert opinions and suggestions:( :( :(
U can wait for the phone to appear on . Usually the dealers there come up with lower prices within a day or two of the launch. I bought my n82 for 25k with bill and warranty while the official price was above 28k and the price being offered now is 23,800. All u gotta do is regsiter on the site. When u try to order from there they will give u a order id with some other details which u gotta print and show at the dealers place where u make the purchase.
Alfa...hands down! They bring in the freshly manufactured products. Their grey market and warranty sealed packages are different, so no issues. Its better if you check the piece from the place you buy rather then buying it from online.
The Sorcerer said:
Alfa...hands down! They bring in the freshly manufactured products. Their grey market and warranty sealed packages are different, so no issues. Its better if you check the piece from the place you buy rather then buying it from online.
and one more thing sorcerer ...wot do u suggest i buy it frm Alfa ?? or i shud buy it frm some other place????????
w960 is far better than n82.. its 3MP camera is far better than the 5mp by nokia. also, ull get 8GB memory, walkman head phones etc with a nice touch screen interface.. i would have always gone for w960.