Storage Solutions Seagate 320gb 2.5" RMA

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Hi friends , well i got my defective seagate internal 2.5" 320gb hdd replaced after 15days of submission at SC. and the replacement which i have got says " Certified Repaired" on it ? does it mean it's likely to fail again ? and i don't even know what this hdd's fault was because it's a different serial number than mine.

so when i was plugging it into my computer using a usb to sata converter. i was holding it in my hand and i may have moved it a bit while it was being read , it made a scratchy sound :fear: is it normal ? then when i ran hdtune it gave all red blocks :-( ... so i plugged it out and re-plugged it and this time hdtune gave me all green blocks :S

how can i ensure that this drive is safe to be used for backup ?
kunallkw said:
Hi friends , well i got my defective seagate internal 2.5" 320gb hdd replaced after 15days of submission at SC. and the replacement which i have got says " Certified Repaired" on it ? does it mean it's likely to fail again ? and i don't even know what this hdd's fault was because it's a different serial number than mine.

so when i was plugging it into my computer using a usb to sata converter. i was holding it in my hand and i may have moved it a bit while it was being read , it made a scratchy sound :fear: is it normal ? then when i ran hdtune it gave all red blocks :-( ... so i plugged it out and re-plugged it and this time hdtune gave me all green blocks :S

how can i ensure that this drive is safe to be used for backup ?
Physical drives must be kept stable while they operates. You shouldn't have kept it on your hand. "Certified repairing" means that the faulty drive that you had sent wad repaired by Segate people and returned to you, so they have marked it as certified repairing. I am not sure whether it is still 100% safe to make it a backup drive, because it is a repaired one:P

External converters usually gives these type of errors may be due to some internal circuitry issue, sometimes my HDD stops responding all of a sudden. I suggest use with caution.

Regarding the HDTune issue, connect it once more to your pc directly and scan for errors, if you face any then contact segate

why is the storage section so neglected ?

I don't think this section is neglected, just no-body might have noticed it :)
CA50 said:
Physical drives must be kept stable while they operates. You shouldn't have kept it on your hand. "Certified repairing" means that the faulty drive that you had sent wad repaired by Segate people and returned to you, so they have marked it as certified repairing. I am not sure whether it is still 100% safe to make it a backup drive, because it is a repaired one:P

External converters usually gives these type of errors may be due to some internal circuitry issue, sometimes my HDD stops responding all of a sudden. I suggest use with caution.

Regarding the HDTune issue, connect it once more to your pc directly and scan for errors, if you face any then contact segate

I don't think this section is neglected, just no-body might have noticed it :)

thanks for the reply buddy , well yes it was my bad that i kept the hdd holding while it was being used ... but is that a fatal issue which i should be worried about ? i used the hdd quite a few times more after that ones scratching sound and that never seems to have repeated after that first and only time.

also the drive which i sent and the drive that i received have different serial numbers so i'm guess it's not the same one which i sent.

also i ran full hdtune (not quick) , seatools long ,short generic test , and scandisk win-7 , and no problems were detected ...

so can i be relaxed now ? are there any more sophisticated hdd test s/w there ?
^IMO just use it, already you have tried lots of tools:P Use it as a backup drive, there is no problem, the previous bad sector might be due to the converter.
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