CPU/Mobo seagate freeagent Go 160gb issue WITH FRONT USB PORT

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hello friends,

My mobo is asus m3n78-em and cabby is zebronics korea.

Sometimes, when i connect the freagent to my front usb port, the format window pops up (both in windows xp and windows 7). Nowadays the format popup appears/dissapears rapidly a number of times (as if there is a lose conduct). Today it continiously gave problems like this. :@

But when connected at the back panel USB port it works fine. But 1 time the same popup arose in the back port also.
Initially this was happening only occassionaly, but day by day it turned to occur frequently.
But from the beggining no probs with cellphones or 2gb flash drives.

It works fine in My bother's PC flawlessly which has the same cabby ( m2n-vm-hdmi mobo)
It also works flawlessly with my another pc with mercury cabby (m2n-pv-vm mobo) and another pc with prime source cabby (865gsa mobo)

I tried replacing the usb cable and it worked fine for a month. After that the, same issue started . Even my old cable was fine in the beggining. Later on only this issue started. I dont know what the hell is happeneing. :S :@

When i first assembled this pc, my front usb port but dint even detect this hdd .
As I have 3 front usb ports in the mobo , i changed the internal cable to the next port and from that day it started working. But after that the aforesaid issues started rising. :huh:

The reason for buying this cabby is because my brother's cabby's front panel works like a charm with this hdd. :ashamed:
But though i am having the same cabby i dont know whats wrong.
Is there a problem with the mobo internal port or the cabby front port ???:(

Note: I am using a pouch ( REFER ATTACHMENT) to keep my hdd and cable in it when not in use. Its actually a small travel pouch made of fibre( i think). Since it is convenient to carry my hdd and cable in it i am using it. Is the pouch causing any heat or havoc to the cable ?
(from the beggining i am using this pouch and from that time i have a doubt in this pouch - Is this pouch killing my hdd cable ? . FYI this is my 2nd USB cable..)

This drives me crazy..
I have the latest bios / drivers. Issue exists even in windows 7. So drivers will not be the culprit IMO..
So Plz give an idea to check which is the culprit...
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