Storage Solutions Seagate hard drive issue.

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I have a Seagate 1TB which is installed as a secondary drive in my system. It contains all my games and movies and documents. I also have Hard drive Sentinel software installed which provides me with a health check of all the drives installed in the system, on startup. According to HDS, the Seagate 1TB drive is failing and has bad sectors and shows the remaining drive of the life as 360 days. To verify that, I downloaded SeaTools for Windows and ran a couple of tests on the Seagate drive. However, the drive passed all the tests that I subjected it to!
This has me confused. Should I backup the data from the drive and send it for a replacement? Or is HDS raising a false alarm? Or is SeaTools providing me the wrong information? The warranty on the drive is till April 2013.
Please help me in clearing my confusion and provide some suggestions/advice for what I should do.

4nd3r50n :)
one software results are enough for replacement? Is there written anywhere that seatools test should give a fail result and then only HDD will be replaced?

HDS software gave me all the right warnings on my seagate drives ...but it failed miserably on my WD drives....after RMAing my seagate 500GB for like 4 times ....i have decided to write it off as a use RMAing the drives i am pretty sure they replacement drive too will fail 100%.....only my HItachi 1TB is doing now i onlky recommend hitachi drives to relatives and friends :) .
so now i only recommend hitachi drives to relatives and friends.

Hitachi Hard drives were bought by Western Digital last year.

Press Release / It's Official: WD Acquires Hitachi Global Storage - HotHardware / Western Digital purchase of Hitachi's hard drive business approved by EU regulators -- Engadget.

In the mean time Samsung's hard-drive wing was taken over by Seagate; now we are strictly in a duopoly of these two companies and they can mess around with the pricing and shipping to suit their needs [like the flood affair illustrated].

@4nd3r50n, sad to hear this bad news.

Bad sectors on the hard-drive is a clear indicator of bad days, try Microsoft's CHKDSK function and do a through vettings of how many bad-sectors you have in your drive.

Once that is done, recommend that you start backing up your data, irrespective whether the drive passed the SeaTools test.

Then give your hard-drive for RMA [it will be better to do this] as buying a new hard-drive later is a serious pain [not to mention all the data lost], also current generation Seagate hard-drives have a highly curtailed Limited warranty period of ~1 year [Western Digital offer ~2 years].

Also download HDTune PRO and gauge the health of your drive for a second-opinion on the matter; it is a well respected benching and hard-drive health ascertaining tool. While we are at it here is an interesting article / primer on this matter, do read it.

Hope this helps, Cheerio!!
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Thanks, Alpha17! That's really helpful, However, my whole system has decided to play spoilsport. So, I am trying to first get my system up and then follow what you've asked me to do. :)
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