Storage Solutions Seagate Hard Drive Settlement

As part of the settlement, Seagate will make certain disclosures regarding the storage capacity of its retail hard drives.

In addition, if you submit a valid claim, you will receive free backup and recovery software, or a cash payment equivalent to five percent of the net amount you paid for the hard drive (excluding taxes or rebates). To receive the software or the cash payment, you must submit a claim form available at Cho v. Seagate Technology (US) Holdings, Inc. by March 10, 2008. You may submit a claim form for each qualifying drive you purchased. To obtain the cash payment, you must have purchased your drive before January 1, 2006 and you must submit appropriate documentation or the serial number for each drive.

not that great :p
arre, thats just a planned class action suit

there are tonnes of tort lawyers and law firms in the US who go arnd doing this kind of stuff...

This is meaningless till the courts actually rule in favor of the claimants

(kinda unlikely because most HDD boxes clearly state the the actual capacity)