one of my friends seagate freeagent go 500 gb hdd has gone kaput and i was wondering if data recovery is possible.
Last nite when i was trying to copy some data on to da lappy the hard disk stopped working. usually the light keeps glowing when everything is fine but now its blinking and the laptop is unable to detect the disk. we have tried it on different lappys and with other usb cords but to no avail. and im really worried cuz theres some important data in it.
Is it possible to recover the data on the hard drive?? I remember reading here on TE long ago that Amarbir does data recovery and are there anyone who does that in bangalore????
Last nite when i was trying to copy some data on to da lappy the hard disk stopped working. usually the light keeps glowing when everything is fine but now its blinking and the laptop is unable to detect the disk. we have tried it on different lappys and with other usb cords but to no avail. and im really worried cuz theres some important data in it.
Is it possible to recover the data on the hard drive?? I remember reading here on TE long ago that Amarbir does data recovery and are there anyone who does that in bangalore????