PC Peripherals Seasonic Bronze S12II 430 or Corsair VX450

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Which of these would be a good buy considering both around 4k??

Seasonic Bronze S12II 430v or Corsair VX450???
DevinWolf said:
dude you serious ? You can't compare a seasonic 500W to a corsair 450VX.

Why not? Apparently the design is identical to the S12II unless they've changed OEMs along the way.
Sorry abt bumping n old thread but seriously guys wazzup ???

VX 450 is a regular 80plus n has 33Amp 396W on a single 12V rail .. Seasonic S12II500 is 80plus Bronze n has 34A = (17 + 17) 408W.

How the hell can VX n the Seasonic S12II be the same .. or VX be n Seasonic's OEM S12II or the VX be better than it :O

No effing way its better :@

But yeah .. VX is better than Seasonic S12II430W as it only has 30A ~ (17 + 17) 360W on the 12V rail .. even though it 80plus Bronze.

So to Answer the OP's question .. Yes, get the VX450 as its better than S12II430 n cheaper than the S12II500 ... but comparison wise:

S12II500 > VX450 > S12II430 ~ CX400 > S12II380

IMHO .. ho .. ho.
to me it's about the same thing as seasonic is 80 PLUS BRONZE certified but it's 430W on the other hand corsair VX450 is 80 PLUS certified but it's 450W so,at 100% load both will deliver approximately same power.

you can pick whichever you want.
has33 said:
VX 450 is a regular 80plus n has 33Amp 396W on a single 12V rail .. Seasonic S12II500 is 80plus Bronze n has 34A = (17 + 17) 408W.

How the hell can VX n the Seasonic S12II be the same .. or VX be n Seasonic's OEM S12II or the VX be better than it :O

Seasonic S12II-380 Power Supply | silentpcreview.com

Again, this is assuming they haven't changed OEMs along the way.

Note the bit about the S12II 500W alone having the plastic baffle, which leads one to believe the VX450 is based off the 500W.
Crazy_Eddy said:
Seasonic S12II-380 Power Supply | silentpcreview.com
Again, this is assuming they haven't changed OEMs along the way.

Note the bit about the S12II 500W alone having the plastic baffle, which leads one to believe the VX450 is based off the 500W.

Nah the OEM is Seasonic .. it always was, not denying that.

But even though the internal layout of the components on the PCB and the heatsink, fan, etc .. looks virtually identical (has to be as the same manufacturer used the same components), the VX450 and Seasonic 380/430/500 are different PSU, is what I was pointing out .. n that the Seasonic 500W was superior to VX450 !!!

S12II500 > VX450 > S12II430 ~ CX400 > S12II380
Thats it !!!
So vx450 is the best PSU that i can get for 4k ryt???

And after that wud b s12ii 500 for 5.2k and aftre that vx550???
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