Second hand bicycle dealer in delhi

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Hi There, guys I am very new to this forum and I have been an avid cyclist since a few years now. But recently I lost my hercules bicycle and to replace it I borrowed a BSA Mach 19 from my friend , but sadly that too got stolen. So now my friend wants me to return him a similar cycle. I put up a wanted classified in the forum but did not get any response, so i assume that nobody in Delhi is selling a racing cycle similar to mach 19.

So I ask you all guys, is there any second hand cycle dealer in Delhi from whom I can buy a mach 19 or something similar like a Hero Hawk. I want a second hand one because the one my friend gave me, was in a terrible condition and I want to return a similar one to him.
theres a facebook page called cyclop , although its only better cycles that are for sale in that , quikr , i have found caters to the common cycles

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The budget is not more than 1500

Did u try OLX/quickr etc ?
Yes I did and sadly I could not find any racing cycles, I need a racing cycle specifically because my friend gave me a racing one. I need to return him a similar one.

Loosing two cycles in a row .. bad luck or sheer carelessness ?
Well both, the first one was total carelessness but the second one which my friend gave to me was total bad luck

theres a facebook page called cyclop , although its only better cycles that are for sale in that , quikr , i have found caters to the common cycles
Well I did try quikr but again I could find just normal cycles or cycles for children but not any racing cycles, btw can you give me the link for this Cyclop page. I can't find it. Might give it a try.

Since your cycle was stolen, it's bound to end up in some second hand shop.
Well yeah probably that might happen but thats just the problem, I don't know any. I need to know a few and that is why I created this thread.
Delhi Bicycles Classifieds - Bicycles in Delhi, Free Classifieds for Bicycles in Delhi by Quikr

whats a racing cycle , its just an ordinary road cycle , costs 4000 probably in the market , 1,500 be hard to get unless its in miserable condition

try going to the streetside cycle shops , they are your best bet
You are bang on target woth your post. That is exactly what i want, a cycle which is in bad condition but should be racing one. Yeah will try a few steetside sellers.
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