Secured Wireless Broadband ?

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prateek kumar


I have been using Airtel Wireless Broadband connection. How do i know if my connection is fully secure and that none can connect to my network ? I have heard and even seen people connecting to other people's wifi network. How do i secure my connection so that none could connect without my permission ?
You can secure your wifi network. But dont think that is applicable for wireless broadband.For that you will have to contact your isp.
@prateek kumar

Give us more details about the broadband connection. It seems you have a normal wired broadband from Airtel and using a wifi router at home to use the connection wireless-ly on your Phone / Laptop / Tablet etc.
Because AFAIK, Airtel does not have any wireless broadband (as in Wimax like Tikona).

In your case, ensure that your wifi access point is secured by a password, if it is not then any random person can connect to your wifi and use your internet. It should be there in your router settings.
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I have been using Airtel Wireless Broadband connection. How do i know if my connection is fully secure and that none can connect to my network ? I have heard and even seen people connecting to other people's wifi network. How do i secure my connection so that none could connect without my permission ?

be clearer in your requirement, you make us as confused as you are ;)

specify what broadband technology you use and devices in your house, it helps us understand if you even have a valid question/concern.
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