Security Software Securing a rig for newbies

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For a new rig what apps do we need to ensure it is secured when used for things we do on a daily basis (browse, emails, online games, P2P downloads etc..)?

I think that at the very least we do need a decent Anti-Virus solution (KasperSky / BitDefender etc.).
But what about other kinds of protection? Is there a single solution / app that takes care of all these needs? or do we need to get Anti-Virus, Spyware removal etc.. apps all separately?

Also can these be installed on different OS'es on the same machine or do we need separate licenses for each OS?
The following would be good.
1. Hardware router
2. A intrusion detection app - I use COMODO
3. Some anti virus solution
4. Firefox or other secure browser

No idea about licensing. Will only 1 OS be active at a time?
Yes I don't plan to have more that 1 active at a time right now (might try using VMware sometime later :)).

How would a Hardware router help? If I have only 1 sys connected (or would it be helpful when I want to connect more machines)?

Will read up on the others and see what I can find.
Hardware routers will do roughly the same job as windows XP firewall - make your system invisible to the outside world. Now these routers are cheap. If you dont need a router then a software firewall would be required.

If you need to connect more than one system then a router (or modem cum router) would be essential

Also in case you do run a router, disable wifi if you dont need it or secure it
Bluffmaster said:
Just use Firefox , Zone Alarm firewall and a little common sense while browsing and you should be safe. :)

For a home system (assuming you are securing a home system) something simple and lightweight would be best.
[flamebait] Use Linux [/flamebait]. NOD32 is pretty good. In my limited experience, I have noticed that most virii, trojans come in two ways .

1. Pendrive

2. Shady sites + Downloading like an idiot from Limewire or KaZaa or whatever it is that the cool kids use today.

If you're paranoid about number 1 and shady sites screwing your pc, use Sandboxie to open up isolated instances of explorer, firefox/opera (sort of like a quarantined environment). You can also use this to navigate suspicious pen-drives.

As for the downloading of crap from P2P "channels", just use your head before clicking. A song shouldn't have an .exe or .scr extension. Avoid all WMV, WMA like the plague. And above all, don't pirate software or one day you will definitely get what you paid for. (End of dramatic speech)
Don't use kaspersky. Have seen a visible slowdown using it (imagine, on MY RIG!). Was using the free six month subscription. I'm now on Nod32 but would recommend Avast if one's looking for a free anti virus.
1- Configure your router to hide your ports.
use it to test the status It should give you this result:

Results from scan of ports: 0-1055

0 Ports Open

0 Ports Closed

1056 Ports Stealth


1056 Ports Tested

ALL PORTS tested were found to be: STEALTH.

TruStealth: PASSED - ALL tested ports were STEALTH,

- NO unsolicited packets were received,

- NO Ping reply (ICMP Echo) was received.

2- NOD32 (paid) or Avira (free) antivirus
3- If it's NOD, then get their security suite (firewall+AV+blah blah etc ). If it's free ystuff ou are looking for, get ZoneAlarm (ok for newbies) or Commodo (if you like to play with your settings) to complement your AV.

4- Firefox is must. For additional security consider using NoScript. This add-on is your co***m while you visit the *ahem* sites ;)

5- Common sense is priceless. From time to time, check what processes are running (may be once in a month or so) and see how programs behave. Keep computer in your control instead of allowing Windows to do whatever it wants to do with it. Be careful with what you download from P2P and torrents. Specially take care while dealing with RAR and ZIP files.

If you find it too much, just do what Bluffmaster said and use No Script and you will be fine :hap2:
What's so smart about using stolen software? You guys laugh at ppl who buy software but forget that if everyone started using pirated software, the guys who write the programs would stop making programs for u to steal.

Steal all u want but is there any need to show it off? Do you really want ppl to emulate you?
show it off ?what,did i post any screenshots of any software?did i post any links? no.then what is their to show off.My intention was to HELP its always been like that.i do stand by what i said "paid" softwares do offer better protection than free ones.Its your choice to go for "paid" or paid:bleh: .
did i mention it anywhere that people who pays for codes r fools?.absolutely NOT.not everyone can pay for softwares thats the reason p2p is still alive.
I dont think softwarwe co. r going to stop writing prog. because of p2p.I also dont think they r poor either.Someday when i am as rich as u r............:)
sam000 said:
show it off ?what,did i post any screenshots of any software?did i post any links? no.then what is their to show off.My intention was to HELP its always been like that.i do stand by what i said "paid" softwares do offer better protection than free ones.Its your choice to go for "paid" or paid:bleh: .

did i mention it anywhere that people who pays for codes r fools?.absolutely NOT.not everyone can pay for softwares thats the reason p2p is still alive.

I dont think softwarwe co. r going to stop writing prog. because of p2p.I also dont think they r poor either.Someday when i am as rich as u r............:)

Well, u were "showing off". Something like " 99% of what I use, OS/ applications/ system utilities are due to p2p".

And ur original post was a bit condescending about ppl who pay for software.

Regarding being rich enough to buy software, what do u use a computer for that only expensive software can do? XP is quite cheap. Better, open source is free!!

You also advocated stealing software one doesn't need! So don't act bruised. I'm no Gandhi myself, but I get sick of ppl passing comments about apps and putting paid within quotes. Do what u want. Unlike the comment that u had quoted (something like using pirated software is going to cost u), I believe one should avoid piracy not because of some fear of retribution but out of moral obligation.

Edit: In my own experience, free Avast Home edition has always been very good, comparable to many paid software.
you r totally wrong .
1)my original post was meant to state the opp. of what being stated in the above posts p2p is DANGEROUS, u would get virus blah,blah,blah.even in the
original post i didnt post any word that made fool of people like u.
2)u r for some reason taking it bit more personal.i wonder why?.
3)"fear of retribution but out of moral obligation"
4)"In my own experience, free Avast Home edition has always been very good, comparable to many paid software.":rofl:
Ok thats YOUR opinion.i respect that but that doesnt mean u r right.
i still stand by what i said.
5)"but I get sick of ppl passing comments about apps and putting paid within quotes".its not hard dont read it or better still act as if u r blind.:hap2:
6)stop acting as if u OWN the forum.i posted with the intent to help people
who r gonna download stuff anyway weather u/I like it or not @least i help
7)stop moral ****** i didnt ask for ur divine bs.i didnt post it for u:@
lol, all riled up now, huh? And by the way, p2p is risky for n00bs.

At least u accept by BS is divine :cool2: . Can't say the same for u, though. You don't want "moral guardians" to speak out, stop lecturing others that piracy is fine. It's not. We do it but that doesn't make it right. For ur info, many ppl write code for a living. And so do quite a few by selling it.

I sell Eset Nod32 but for those not willing to spend cash on software, I point out freeware like Avast, Open office etc. Regarding the efficacy of Avast, u don't have to take my word for it. Many here on TE use it and are satisfied with it. I don't make complaints about anyone using pirated software, but I don't promote it either. What I do promote is the use of open source/ freeware if one can't afford to buy software.

And, lastly, I'm not a moral guardian. A substantial amount of my earnings come from selling software, so piracy does hurt my bottomline.
"my BS is divine"

"You don't want "moral guardians" to speak out"

"I'm not a moral guardian"

wtf :crazy:

"A substantial amount of my earnings come from selling software, so piracy does hurt my bottomline."

what did u said earlier? ahh "one shoul pay for software not because of some fear of retribution but out of moral obligation.":bshit:

now everything adds u dont want me to help people who use p2p.
even if my 2cents would save some of them if not all from getting infected by rouge malwares,viruses :@ .

what a kind hearted **** u r:P.


oh sorry i forgot what u had said earlier"it hurt my bottomline":rofl:
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