Seedbox sharing !

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You guys should really wait, because we are waiting for outsystem to deliver. LOL. the owner is pretty crack. All that excitement might fade a bit, but when you get the box hands on, you will love it. you bet.
I guess i should make it the next time,...Just wanted to ask u guys what is the number of torrents that a user can seed/leech at a time(is it unlimited)

Coz i mainly need it for TT,Elek,TR,which usually uploads/releases of file size 50 mb..thats means i may not be able to utilize the seedbox effectively

Don't worry, you can queue a lot, when every one queues a lot, it will equate out. but something anomalous, we will inform you.
^^ I suppose the DP (and effectively the seedbox) is going through an outage at present. I am not able to access DP since yesterday morning. So you will need to wait. In case you are for the second server, the details for seedbox and DP will be PMed to you after the necessary setups are done by akshay/zander.
Hi All
can anybody please tell me which broadband connection is best for using seedboxes?

I have airtel 512 kbps unlimited broadband connection..will it be ok if i opt for a seedbox with this connection?

What is the min./avg. speed i will be getting in ftp from seedbox to my pc with my existing braodband plan?

Thanks in advance
apsaps said:
I have airtel 512 kbps unlimited broadband connection..will it be ok if i opt for a seedbox with this connection?

What is the min./avg. speed i will be getting in ftp from seedbox to my pc with my existing braodband plan?

AFAIK you'll get speeds of 85-90 kb per second....and one more thing,i don't think your gonna download each and everything that u have downed on a for me...i usually would keep those SCC and Waffles packs only for buffering my accounts:D...and would never ever download them to my comp.:ohyeah:....i just feel the need to buffer so that later on if i need a file which has no leechers(then i don't need to worry about downing it)....and this doesn't apply for TT or Elek(coz whatever i download from here is what i need and what i listen to):D
Hello Everybody

Apparently, this outage has stretched more than 30 hours and server is still down. Means, DP (forum) is down as well so newer member can't be granted access as of now.

There can be further delay of 2-3 days in obtaining newer server because of issues at OVH end (can't do anything about it)...if somebody from newer server needs refund ( and not ready to wait anymore), reply here now by tonight....and p.m me your bank details....
^^ It took 1 month for us to get the good old server. So its worth the wait for all new users too. But this 2nd server, it should come soon. Not that long.
Im unable to PM anyone

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@Zander and Akshay-If anyone backs out...Im game..Please Do Pm me or send me a buzz on msn!!

Okay guys, some good news (well atleast) server has been delivered to me. I'm passing on the credentials to a_k_s_h_a_y and hopefully new members will get access to it by tomorrow night.

For members on exiting members, server should be up soon and you'll get extra time for whatever we've lost
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