m-jeri said:Well..
I am the most "passive" seeder in the seed boxes according to the stats. still in abt 13 days i have uploaded like 500GB+.
I dont queue much up. i dont do smart seeding either. I just want a good enough buffer with which even without seeding, I should be able to download as much i want in my BSNL BB for few months.
Like with BSNL BB i should be able to download upto max 120GB per month.
I think thats not possible, because most private tracker wants its users to individually seed each torrent to 1:1 or some trackers at the most allow a ratio of 0.4 on each torrent(unlike desitorrents and demonoid in which users must maintain a overall ratio >= 1) before u get a H&R warning
Even i thought,before joining seedbox, that just buffering my account on these private trackers will do(like desitorrents) but was wrong.
IMO this is a really crap rule