PC Peripherals Seems like someone copied the XP-90/XP-120 :P

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Gigabyte G-Power Review:
While the G-Power is far from the behemoth of some of today's heatsinks it's not small, it measures 110 x 100 x 109mm or a little over 10cm cube, that's quite a volume. There's not much copper in its construction (a little Nickel coating on its base plate), the rest is made from aluminium and yet it still weighs in at over 400g - some all copper heatsinks weigh more than twice this of course, but it's not an insignificant weight....

linky here : http://www.bit-tech.net/hardware/2005/05/05/HeatsinkTrio/1.html

Seems like a pretty decent cooler.
Well better than stock nd the rest.....nd Mayb it will be available here in awile for those (includin me :tongue: ) who cant get the XP-90c... :hap2:

BTw looks nice too :cool2:
any idea about the price?
looks a carbon copy of a xp120 except some missing heatpipes.. yea, fan looks quite odd, but well come to think of it, looks cool ;)
well where can i actually get such stuff(coolers,good fans,ledsetc.) in my area I simply dont know
whichever dealer i go to says he's never heard of such a thing(xcept sum who've heard of it but never actually sold one)
coolcrook said:
well where can i actually get such stuff(coolers,good fans,ledsetc.) in my area I simply dont know
whichever dealer i go to says he's never heard of such a thing(xcept sum who've heard of it but never actually sold one)

Hell sure needs a lot of good cpu coolers :ohyeah: :ohyeah: :ohyeah: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
well I say I live in hell coz of tht very reason
technology savvy ppl here at minimum
so gettin stuff is difficult(I am having to wait 4 about 2weeks for my new rig)
and even I cant get a gud cabbie all my dealer has is the ibox cabbies
they look crap
coolcrook said:
well I say I live in hell coz of tht very reason
technology savvy ppl here at minimum
so gettin stuff is difficult(I am having to wait 4 about 2weeks for my new rig)
and even I cant get a gud cabbie all my dealer has is the ibox cabbies
they look crap
Anyway seriously where do u live?
Chaos said:
Anyway seriously where do u live?

I live in Kalimpong
Its a small hill station near Darjeeling
If the stuff was not available here and available in Siliguri(Its two hours frm Kalimpong,the nearest city) I wud be happy,but its unavailble there too
coolcrook said:
I live in Kalimpong
Its a small hill station near Darjeeling
If the stuff was not available here and available in Siliguri(Its two hours frm Kalimpong,the nearest city) I wud be happy,but its unavailble there too

Hmm seems to be a beautiful place, not getting comp hardware is a small price, looking at us poor souls living in uber polluted metropolises....

I need a break :P

BTW if its Gigabyte should arrive in India soon.
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