Seiko 7S26 Mechanical Watch - Made in Japan - Rs 3500 - Final Price

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haider_up32 said:
now bikey will ask for hi-res pics again and again ,sry has33 couldnt resist writing after reading ur earlier posts :D

Nah- for a psu, even if new, a buyer will generally ask for non-DOA warranty and some testing warranty. :p

You on the other hand had posted incorrect name, info and web pics of watch models not same as yours- and that can be highly misleading.

You still haven't mentioned the exact name of the watch you are selling maybe.

And i asked for all the correct info and pics coz i am still interested in that watch but am not sure about the price and if i should buy it. :p

I hope you find this reply satisfactory enough- wlse you may request for more. :p

I don't like misunderstandings and am always game for an essay or 2 to clear things out. :)
wrt to your post in the BZ800 psu thread-

haider_up32 said:
now bikey will ask for hi-res pics again and again ,sry has33 couldnt resist writing after reading ur earlier posts

Nah- for a psu, even if new, a buyer will generally ask for non-DOA warranty and some testing warranty. :p

You on the other hand had posted incorrect name, info and web pics of watch models not same as yours- and that can be highly misleading.

You still haven't mentioned the exact name of the watch you are selling maybe.

And i asked for all the correct info and pics coz i am still interested in that watch but am not sure about the price and if i should buy it. :p

I hope you find this reply satisfactory enough- wlse you may request for more. :p

I don't like misunderstandings and am always game for an essay or 2 to clear things out. :)

1.The Pics Problem - i started the thread and uploaded few pics from a 1.3M cam following TE rules and wrote in BOLD LETTERS THAT I WILL HI-RES PROPER PICS Later from Day 1. I got a PM from you

Can you please send me some clear hi-res pics of the watch- front, back and clasp?


i replied i will upload proper pics later and will UPDATE the thread.Since most of my friends were out of station due to holidays/bunk i couldnt upload the pics for 4-5 days

i uploaded few pics from the net to show the box and back of the mechanical watch and wrote "Images from net(not the actual product")

and bikey had a problem
Since i got many PMs i again updated the thread with more pics (its hard to find a pic of a watch).I uploaded the new pics under the heading "Images from net(very close to actual product-98%)

"Please post proper model number and proper pics in all sale threads " . I had clearly written dat i will add Hi-Res Pics later . yet bikey had a problem
I updated the thread again with Hi-Res pics and uploaded the pics within 2 hrs of click(check EXIF Data) and didnt deleted the Images from net as they were professionally taken. The new pics were similar to the pics i added from the net and they are still on thread.

yet bikey has a problem on 5th oct - "You on the other hand had posted incorrect name, info and web pics of watch models not same as yours- and that can be highly misleading"
2.THE MODEL PROBLEM - All information regarding the watch dat was available with me was written on the thread under "About the product:-".The exact serial no was mentioned later (which was etched in
transparent on the back of watch and is only visible if u Tilt the watch to particular position as there is transparent back. The exact movement was mentioned cleary but since its a gifted watch i dont have a exact model.If all the members of TE sell their watches 90% of the people wont be able to tell the exact model no.Information about the series ,movement and even the manufacturing date was mentioned in the thread.

yet bikey has a problem "You still haven't mentioned the exact name of the watch you are selling "
A watch is unlike a computer part or a bike which as an exact model . From where will i get exact model nos. if i want to sell my old fastracks.
3.The condition problem - Since the watch was close to new and hardly been used so i wrote the condition in the thread as "NEW" rather than used . writing "USED" for the HARDLY EVER USED product would be
a litte unjustified for this.But thats not all i elaborated the condition in the thread as:

"About the condition:-
-Put on hand many times but worn only once throughout the day
-Zero scratches on dial ,glass
-At this moment case is not with me.Might be in my old house.Will ship the case free of cost after i get it. "

i cud have written worn once for checking DOA which wud have sounded nice to bikenstein
4.Pricing - Since this was a diffcult thing to price unlinke all other computer parts sold here i wrote the factors i considered under the heading "About pricing"

I also wrote "If you find the prices not genuine contact me along with relevant links through pm only."

dont know if bikey has a problem in this department

About ur intentions : - .EVEN WHEN U CORRECT A FRIEND U DONT DO IT IN PUBLIC.AND in this case there is nothing wrong .IF YOUR INTENTIONS ARE HONEST ENOUGH THEN U SHUD HAVE DONE VIA PM AND THEN WRITTEN IT IN THE THREAD(PUBLICLY) . u have made the thread ugly by asking writing the same thing again and again
and i dont plan on winning any word war with you as u urself proclaim that u r good with essays ..and may be u can twist few words here

oh i forgot to add smilies after each line:mad: (bikey might tell there is an EDIT feature :cool2:)

@has33 : crapping ur thread as ur psu has already been sold :)
I am very sorry for whatever you think in whatever ways i have wronged you. :(

Sincere apology from me. :)

The first post now is what it wasn't earlier.

It has been slowly updated over time. :)

My first PM was when your thread was closed (by you mostly?) just after start- it didn't have any actual pics as stated by TE rules iirc. :)

The watch had been named as Scuba diver.

Model number posted by you as 7S26-0530 didn't throw up relevant results.

Maybe 0530 is similar to how AMD tags it's cjhips- 30thweeks of 2005- indicating date of assembly of that movement/watch. :p

Seiko has a different nomenclature for numbering various models iirc.

And i really got my hopes very high of it being a Scuba Diver one as per initial info and some web pics posted.

Since i love autos, esp older Seiko/Citizen and esp Scuba/Mariners, i PMed you for more details as i was interested in buying it.

Turned out you later posted pics of what is clearly not one of the famed scuba diver series.

It's a mostly a Seiko5 automatic watch with the 7S26 movement. :)

(seiko 5 is the range of affordable automatics from Seiko iirc and has a sports series too.)

Since it was mentioned 'Made in japan' model and 21 Jewels etc.

it had to be marked on the dial and back of the case.

later 7S26 were of Thai/Malay/SG... (not sure) ...make afaik.

The blurry pics, posted after a few days since starting the thread iirc, faintly indicate the same but to make sure i needed clearer pics and asked you to PM/post the same- that's all.

Over time, the usage detail went from not used to worn for a day to a tiny scratch if i am not mistaken.

For me, buying such an expensive watch would be best after closer inspection but it's not feasible in this case.

Also what i meant about having doubts, in of of the latest posts, where you chose to joke about me in someone else's thread, is whether i should be spending that much amount and that is if i want to buy one of the oldies, primarily for collection sakes rather than regular usage.

(Today's previous post was a reply to what you joked in someone else's thread indicating asking for clear pics is unfair to the seller.

Else i wasn't going to post here.

Wasn't fair on your part either to post a joke on me in someone else's thread today. could have PMed me too or started a discussion thread in feedback. Considering that post would have gone unnoticed by me, it can be accounted as mocking me behind my back. I can take jokes head on- no probs- please feel free to do so. :))

Not once in any PM or post have i asked about pricing or mentioned it is not priced right or whatever iirc, forget bargaining for the same.

If i feel something is worth more, i do inform, offer and usually pay more. :)

I am once again sorry for offending you. :)

(Sorry for another essay but like i said, not an issue here as i don't like misunderstandings.

I didn't say i am good at them.

Just that i do not consider it a task for the sake of clearing things out.

Misunderstanding usually arise from improper communication and wrong assumptions. :)

And the last one here- so all the best for your sale. :))
1.ADDITION- no hard feelings for you. i didnt even want to open the thread without proper pics so i just created and closed it at first so dat i dont violate TE rules. All the updates in the main post whenever made was written in the thread "Updated the thread with same" like the scratch which i noticed later when pointed by Ragin_Ice ,the warranty details and reason for sale.Also updated whether its A4/A3(i still have no idea wht it means) when pointed by Shripad and nothing else was updated later.The total no of significant updates to the main post was only 1 (scratch less than 0.5cm) :) .The condition of watch was elaborated as soon as came to noe abt it :-

Ragin_Ice asks @ 26 Sep 09, 01:54 PM
haider_up32 replies @ 26 Sep 09, 02:08 PM and updates the main post

so nothing was changed SLOWLY

- i didnt remove anything from the main post except " I WILL ADD HiRES IMAGES LATER" :D . The scuba divers thing was mentioned after the title from Day1 . The watch was NEVER named as divers watch in the title thread .Found dat info on the net . Let me know if it is not a scuba divers watch (only by PM).All the titles whenever changed are here in the thread itself except the first title which was "....-Closed4now-"

Most of the information was already in the main post and i posted information dat was not available instantly and happily when asked by gmano,Ragin_Ice.I had already written everything very clearly (eventhough this is my 1st sale thread) which wud prevent any sort of misunderstandings with the buyers .

Its difficult to take the pics of the back of dial coz the bracelet is closed . From day1 i had written " worn for a day " . if u check my earlier post here on 23rd sep which states "...its new and today was the 1st day i wore it ....I dont have a camera but will put up soon in the market section" :) so again u r mistaken.
i am sry for wht i had written on the other thread

@other interested members .
For the pricing i contacted seiko experts on other forums stating everything mentioned here. they pmed "I'd sell it for $99.99, and if it's really in good contion to new, for $129.99."
Not to spoil your thread.

Final clarification: This is not a scuba diver or any diver series watch.

It is a Seiko 5 Automatic Mechanical Watch.

Click here to view the category of the watch : Seiko 5 Automatic Mechanical Watches with international warranty

This is the exact watch in gold. They are selling it for $95

Link : Seiko Automatic Men's Gold Plated Watch SKXM20 SKXM20K
^^ i already pmed u the last price of Rs3500 + shipping before
@others FINAL PRICE DROP Rs3500+shipping. I already got offer of Rs3K .
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