CPU/Mobo Selecting the right Mobo & PSU

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hi, guys
I am planning to build a gaming/rendering oriented rig.
I don't want to overclock, neither the CPU nor GPU. as i am afraid of instability & overheating problems. :S . I don't want to go for SLI motherboards because its always better to have a fast card rather than two slow cards :cool:
help me to choose the right mobo & psu suitable for my rig.
my budget is upto 70k.
following is my rig, I chose as per my knowledge :P
CPU - Intel core 2 Quad Q9450 (2.66 GHz) (x1)
MoBo - Asus P5Q - Deluxe (x1) :huh: (not sure - need help)
GPU - Nvidia GeForce GTX295 (x1)
RAM - 2GB DDR2 1200MHz (x1)
HDD - 500GB sata (x1) + 250 GB sata (from my old PC) (x1)
Cabby - Cooler Master HAF922 (RC - 922M) mid tower ATX cabinet.
PSU - :huh:
Monitor - 20'' LCD monitor - Samsung 2033.
Go for the i7 setup mate since ddr2 rams are vanishing from markets and core i7 920 can easily beat Q9450. Take corsair vx550 psu and regarding the cabby, u opted for the most relevant option so no suggestions in that, just take haf 922. take one set of tripple channel 6gb ram. take atleast 1tb hdd. Dunno regarding the best suited i7 mobo so ask other TEians regarding that, and for gpu i'll suggest u to wait for gtx 300 series or else buy gtx 260 for temporary purpose. :)
i suppose that you could go for tagan 750,hey whats that weird frequency on the ram i have never heard of 1200Mhz,please do correct me if i am wrong though :)
70k is great for core i5 setup.

Core i5 750: 10.5k

Gigabyte GA-P55M-UD2: 7.5k or ASUS P7P55D-PRO: 12k

Corsair CMX4GX3M2A1600C9 2x2GB DDR3 1600Mhz (9-9-9-24) : 7.5k

Western Digital Black 1Tb HDD : 5.5k

Logitech Cordless DesktopT S520 : 3.5k or normal k/b and mouse for 700 bucks and xbox 360 controller for 1.7k

Dell S2409W: 14k or samsung S2233SW: 9.3k

Cooler Master CM690 with transparent side panel : 4.5k

two 120mm fans: 450 bucks each

Sapphire HD5850 1GB GDDR5: 17k

ASUS Xonar DX: 4.5k

corsair VX550W or GlacialPower 650AA
The GTX295 is essentially 2 GTX260s on the same PCB. So, as you said 1 fast card is better than 2 cards. Since you’re looking at a rig for rendering purposes, you need to be looking at next gen DX11 hardware. ATI’s 5000 series is the way to go. GO for the 5870 or the 5850 which are the top-of-the-line models and give you the ultimate performance and value for money. Also, they support all the open standards and industry standards. Also, the Eyefinity technology enables you to drive multiple monitors at Full HD res using a single card. After all this, it consumes very less power and generates very low heat compared to nV or the previous generation cards.
mayanksahni said:
Go for the i7 setup mate since ddr2 rams are vanishing from markets and core i7 920 can easily beat Q9450. Take corsair vx550 psu and regarding the cabby, u opted for the most relevant option so no suggestions in that, just take haf 922. take one set of tripple channel 6gb ram. take atleast 1tb hdd. Dunno regarding the best suited i7 mobo so ask other TEians regarding that, and for gpu i'll suggest u to wait for gtx 300 series or else buy gtx 260 for temporary purpose. :)

Thanx for your valuable advice. It will be more easier for me if you also mention the price of this whole 'i7 setup':ohyeah:
ya... all those stuffs sounds very great! but... pocket matters!:P
One more thing, you've mentioned corsair vx550 is that sufficient?:( - just asking, I've no idea about that.
MayankSharma said:
Thanx for your valuable advice. It will be more easier for me if you also mention the price of this whole 'i7 setup':ohyeah:
ya... all those stuffs sounds very great! but... pocket matters!:P
One more thing, you've mentioned corsair vx550 is that sufficient?:( - just asking, I've no idea about that.

Yup bro it is sufficient since u wont sli and it can easily take load till around 680W which'll be more than enough for u. And regarding the prices I'll get back to u by evening. :)
kekerode said:
If u have no plan to go for SLI then go for i5 / i7 with on-die PCI-Ex controller

Thnx! buddy.........but its quit easy to choose a processor rather than a motherboard.:P
I checked many reviews. They talk about cons. more than pros. Some of them talk about Northbidge.... Southbridge....Sli....Overclocking....Blah-Blah-Blah.:@ . But in the end of the conclusion everybody says that the MoBo is great value for money. etc-etc.:S
Finally I changed my mind from core2Quad to Core i7. So plz tell me the right MoBo for that, which obviously support high-end gpu & I'll feel much lucky if u mention its price & availability;)

otpsurvive said:
The GTX295 is essentially 2 GTX260s on the same PCB. So, as you said 1 fast card is better than 2 cards. Since you’re looking at a rig for rendering purposes, you need to be looking at next gen DX11 hardware. ATI’s 5000 series is the way to go. GO for the 5870 or the 5850 which are the top-of-the-line models and give you the ultimate performance and value for money. Also, they support all the open standards and industry standards. Also, the Eyefinity technology enables you to drive multiple monitors at Full HD res using a single card. After all this, it consumes very less power and generates very low heat compared to nV or the previous generation cards.

thnx buddy!
with no doubts ATI HD5870 is the best card. Do you have any idia at what price I can buy this 'monster':hap2: & from where?

mayanksahni said:
Yup bro it is sufficient since u wont sli and it can easily take load till around 680W which'll be more than enough for u. And regarding the prices I'll get back to u by evening. :)

:( I am still wating for your reply about i7 setup pricing if you know :sos:
The GTX295 is essentially 2 GTX260s on the same PCB. So, as you said 1 fast card is better than 2 cards. Since you’re looking at a rig for rendering purposes, you need to be looking at next gen DX11 hardware. ATI’s 5000 series is the way to go. GO for the 5870 or the 5850 which are the top-of-the-line models and give you the ultimate performance and value for money. Also, they support all the open standards and industry standards. Also, the Eyefinity technology enables you to drive multiple monitors at Full HD res using a single card. After all this, it consumes very less power and generates very low heat compared to nV or the previous generation cards.
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