Selling my Msi Ati Radeon 9800 Pro

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@ SN, yes.. actually 9800 Pro is comparable to the 5950Ultra.. but i was giving him the nearest (from lower end) comparable card to 9800 Pro

TheMask posted 0.83 minutes later:

Devp24, why dont u buy a brand new card then? there aint no point low-balling :D
Sev i thik your last post was pretty legitmate... Now you are talking... 8k... maybe a bit higher... accepted :)
if i had 8k, i would certainly have bought a new card....but i dont have so much cash...i also need to buy 256 MB DDR 266 MHz ram...ne1 has it ??
Btw while we can have some bargaining here, this is nither a fish market(or a vegetable one)

The guy is no fool if he is asking 8k. If you don't have the cash and/or don't agree with the price then plz refrain from making absurd rate calls.

@mask... yep... but HL2 i guess r9800pro is still beating 5950.
well.. u aint even getting no idea's nor the words (in others' posts) right :p

lets stop the thread crapping here.. lol..
9800 pro beats 5950 in HL2 because HL2 has been optimized for ATI card and DOOM3 has been optimized for Nvidia cards...neways wats the new quote ??
If you gonna compare 5950 then you compare it with 9800XT and it beats 5950 is pretty much everything(not by much) but it does.
Anyway devp if you want to carry on with bargaining then use pm system. You have been given a spam alert.
LOL a cartoon I must say. asking for 3k, might as well keep that for backup. BTW 7.5k is a reasonable price for that card. Considering the cards which you get at that range.
devp24 said:
9800 pro beats 5950 in HL2 because HL2 has been optimized for ATI card and DOOM3 has been optimized for Nvidia cards...neways wats the new quote ??

man i still feel i know u by the type of posts. well i think enough crapping and let some other genuine buyer bid the price
Would you be interested in selling it for around Rs. 6000?
And would you be including the original bill with the piece?
Also...I live in Bombay, so I'm only interested in buying it if you're from here as well.
guys i feel , discussing whatz much more worthier and whatz not in someone's ' buy- sell ' thread is unethical , u ruin the chances of a good deal for the seller , a good deal for someone may not be as a good deal for u ...... dont intend offending any of the guys above , its jus basic 'buy-sell thread ' ettiquettes . :)
Guys , may i remind you please no off- topic posts in the market sections.
@ undertaker ,

The members here are smart enough to estimate the price of a used or second hand 9800 pro currently;) . sadly it is the sellers of second hand 9800 pro who are not in tune with reality.:no:

hence if you feel strongly about something here kindly open a seperate thread in another relevant section. kindly refrain from further posting in this thread , unless ur Genuinely interested in purchasing the card. we can continue the discussion there. as i feel here it would lead to senseless and unjustifiable spamming and flaming.
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