Selling my N97 mini,am i doing the right thing?

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so i bought the mini last month.Ive been using it and i am not satisfied.its not that good to be keeps hanging and i have to take the battery out ever so slow and the interface is below par.

i havent even taken the front screen coating off.its brand new.selling it off with everything it came much would i get for it?thinking of buying a galaxy spica.

am i doing the right thing?please help me.
im never buying these underspecced nokia phones again my friend.NEVER.neither will i ever buy a phone with a resistive touchscreen again.
^ panic and confused.. Calm down. I sold off my iPhone almost 3 year back after using it for 1 month or less (when firmware 1.1.2 was recently released :P) I never found it interesting that time but I badly need iPhone now days.

You'll sell it off, You'll buy another phone, after some time you'll remember your old phone saying, it was much better choice :P

Moral - If you're going to sell it off, please purchase your next phone very carefully so it'll cover up all the facilities you need and fulfill your requirements.
^thats true man.but the thing is.the phone is so bad,it freezes up a lot of times when im in the middle of a call or get a message.but i spent a lot of money on it,and selling it feels wierd as hell.
Sahibosaurus said:
^thats true man.but the thing is.the phone is so bad,it freezes up a lot of times when im in the middle of a call or get a message.but i spent a lot of money on it,and selling it feels wierd as hell.

Have you tried to do a complete reset and reinstall of firmware? That helps sometimes.
I've been using my N97 for almost an year now.. I absolutely love it.. no issues so far.. have u tried upgrading to the latest firmware??
also since its brand new , why dont you take it to the service center and quote your problems , see whats they can do for you , also make sure you have no programs running in the background , that can cause problems as ones youve mentioned , but then again if you cant do that then whats the use of having a s60 phone right ?
Have heard a lot abt N97 but I wonder why I never faced any problem with the cell.

Even I loved many of its features.

Works great as my download rig even :)

just upgrade to latest firmware and then decide urself.
guys the phone i guess works ok when im writing a message or doing some web browsing.its just that with the lack of ram and processing power, when im listening to music for example and playing a game or browsing,and i receive the call it hangs...or when i receive two or three messages at once.

The lock switch gets confused sometimes,the photo gallery takes AGES to load,it even has trouble running some java games...such small niggles are aplenty.

and the bland symbian OS makes the phone very boring,and makes it look bad compared to my friend's nexus one.the touchscreen is resistive and very hard to get back to after u play with the nexus,or even the corby's capacitive screen.

now nokia is coming out with the c6 with refined os and same specs and that phone is priced at 13k,which shows what the phone is actually worth.
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