Selling Sony's PS3 is "illegal in Argentina" !!!

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Selling Sony's PS3 is "illegal in Argentina" :S

Sony is not importing the PS3 console into the country, and that selling it in the country is "illegal". He said that in order to sell the console, the Japanese giant must certify it for compliance with the local RF spectrum regulations, that is, the frequencies watchdog agency, or FCC wannabe, the CNC. He said a couple of weeks ago that the firm had not initiated the certification for the device's Bluetooth capability at the time, and that "until that certification" and approval -also known as rubber stamp does not exist, that it's not legal to sell games console.

Here Selling Sony's PS3 is 'illegal in Argentina'

i think radio transmitters (not mobiles etc. but FM transmitters etc) are illegal in india for the saereason - radio spectrum lisensing issues.
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