Sempron 140 vs Athlon II X2... Plus, need help with the prices.


Ok, I'm picking up a computer tommorow.

Need one last advise.
Sempron 140 vs Athlon II X2

Dual core or single core. Which should I go for? I don't game anymore just some Lo-fi work. Sometimes, movies. That's it.

I'll not be getting a comp for another 5 years, I guess. So, don't want an outdated PC by then.

Heard that in a sempron 140, a second core can be unlocked. I wanted to know if it is safe (overclocking noob, here).
Sempron 140 Gets Second Core Unlocked

Here's the config i have decided upon

1x SMPS VIP 400W Gold - Rs.1,440
1x Memory DDR II Transcend 1 Gb 667 mhz. - Rs.1,315
1x CPU AMD Sempron 2.7 Ghz. 140 - Rs.1,575
1x MB 4AMD GigaByte ATI 785G Chipset MA785GM-US2H -Rs.4,496

Anyone to comment on the prices?

I'm in Bangalore BTW.

if youre not changing for another 5 years then take a athlon II x2 take the most basic one(aka cheapest one)

only small 100mhz fsb diff between them
Go for a ddr3 based set-up. You'll definitely need more than 2gb in the future, and ddr2 won't be available easily a few years from now.
I agree with labrodor100, get a dual core processor.
If you don't want to spend too much, consider getting a second hand Athlon X2. Lots of people are moving to quad cores, so you should be able to find one fairly easily. And I've never know a processor to die, so it's pretty safe getting one second hand.
dont care about the unlock.

what much you spend on basic unlock capable board can be spent on getting a dual core chip in the 1st place.