Sempron 140 vs Athlon II X2... Plus, need help with the prices.

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Ok, I'm picking up a computer tommorow.

Need one last advise.
Sempron 140 vs Athlon II X2

Dual core or single core. Which should I go for? I don't game anymore just some Lo-fi work. Sometimes, movies. That's it.

I'll not be getting a comp for another 5 years, I guess. So, don't want an outdated PC by then.

Heard that in a sempron 140, a second core can be unlocked. I wanted to know if it is safe (overclocking noob, here).
Sempron 140 Gets Second Core Unlocked

Here's the config i have decided upon

1x SMPS VIP 400W Gold - Rs.1,440
1x Memory DDR II Transcend 1 Gb 667 mhz. - Rs.1,315
1x CPU AMD Sempron 2.7 Ghz. 140 - Rs.1,575
1x MB 4AMD GigaByte ATI 785G Chipset MA785GM-US2H -Rs.4,496

Anyone to comment on the prices?

I'm in Bangalore BTW.

if youre not changing for another 5 years then take a athlon II x2 take the most basic one(aka cheapest one)

only small 100mhz fsb diff between them
Go for a ddr3 based set-up. You'll definitely need more than 2gb in the future, and ddr2 won't be available easily a few years from now.
I agree with labrodor100, get a dual core processor.
If you don't want to spend too much, consider getting a second hand Athlon X2. Lots of people are moving to quad cores, so you should be able to find one fairly easily. And I've never know a processor to die, so it's pretty safe getting one second hand.
Dont bet too much on getting the Sempron to unlock, go for a Dual Core Athlon II X2. Should serve you well in years down the line.
dont care about the unlock.

what much you spend on basic unlock capable board can be spent on getting a dual core chip in the 1st place.
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