Serious doubts about multi-boot..

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currently i am running Vista 64bit SP2...and XP SP3..XP is completely broken...the moment i turn on XP after a few mins it almost freezes..Vista is fine..but i am not able to run my TV card on vista i am planning to reinstall XP..then i will not be able to boot into vista....what if i install Redhat Linux 5 after installing XP...will bootloader on it see both XP and Vista..
check if ur tv tuner supports vista and u can reinstall xp and then wit easy BCD correct the boot loader for vista..if the freezin persists even after a clean install of xp then some prob wit hardware...:)
u can try running tuner software/driver setup wid XP compatibility and as admin.

worked for my tvtuner.
Magic...removed nod32...installed avast and spybot.....scanned once....and there were plenty its back to normal
You should check the guide I wrote about partitioning and backing up data for multi-boot systems. If you had a good strategy implemented, this will not be difficult to fix. ;) Not trying to criticize you, but you would be better served and save yourself time if you prepared your hard drives, partitions and OS installations right from the beginning and had a strategy to recover from crashes such as these. :D
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