CPU/Mobo server cpu vs desktop cpu for workstation


Enclave Plus
I want to setup a workstation with proxmox and wonder if a server cpu with ECC RAM(less geekbench score) is better than desktop cpus like 12400f which is the best in the market right now in the range of Rs 8000? I also see refurbished workstations so how compareable these are?
Why not go with Workstation class setup (eg: Threadripper or Intel Xeon W)?

Edit: Saw what is required for Proxmox setup. If you need to run lot of containers and web servers, 5950X based setup will be absolute VFM. Dirt cheap parts, lot of options but you lose upgrade path. Next best would be the 7950X.
they are costly and not in my budget. looking for something under/around 50k
Go for 5950x based setup then. Absolute VFM. Lot of cores and parts are dead cheap in used market as well. You may have to extend your budget a bit. In case of strict budget limitation, if you already have a setup based on 12400F, no point in trying to upgrade if your current setup is running without any issues.,
do you think it will perform better in virtualization compare to 13600kf?
Get whichever is cheaper. You will not find too much of a performance difference between these two and both seem to be pretty stable platforms for Proxmox. Check on Proxmox subreddit about compatibility for your use case.
i am looking for more information using a system with more cores or more performance considering cpu price is same for both,
setting up few docker based apps, one windows, one linux mint and few testing apps. as i will be the single user, the load will remain low most of the time.
setting up few docker based apps, one windows, one linux mint and few testing apps. as i will be the single user, the load will remain low most of the time.
eh, you dont need anything beefy then, heck even your own laptop running docker on windows will suffice lol
Yeah you can get away with a 12600/f/k/kf easily for that type of workload, if plan on testing apps that may require so GPU horsepower go for a cheap used one like an old rx580 or if you want something more then you can go with a 2060 super, if not then go with the 12600 non-k/k as integrated graphics will be enough. You can pair that with a decent b760 motherboard for good power delivery and you are good to go. A 12400 would also do but the higher core count of the 12600 will be much better for running VMs. Answering your question, server CPUs are made for reliability and stability and not for performance, so if you think that you might not need much single threaded performance then you can also go for a server grade CPU with 14/18/20 or more cores, whatever you might find best in your budget. You can checkout severbasket as they have many options to choose from.
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