Setting up Network - Problem with Windows 7

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Need help here

Had Win7 RTM verion installed few days back

After installing the LANcard driver, setup the Network it prompted after plugging in the 1st ADSL connection (Dataone) - created pppoe dialer for it

Then when I connected the 2nd ADSL connection (TATA) to another modem (took RCA cable from LAN card and plugged it into this modem) - setup pppoe dialer for this as well

Prompted for another network name (like TATA 2), created it

Now when i dialup and use it for sometime, disconnect and again re-dial

the Network changes to Unidentified network and does not connect

Just says "connecting to PPPOE" and stops there

I never had this problem on Vista

On Vista - it creates Base - Network

and for 1st line, creates Dataone network and 2nd - TATA network

on Windows 7, it doesnt create in this way

I had to format and reinstall Vista again as internet was not connecting properly

I have to restart both PC and modem for connecting once, next time, gain comes up - Unidentified network

TIA for long read


|Anish| said:
are you getting an error 651,619, etc. when you connect?

When i connect using dialer ( setup the modem in bridged mode)
It says - Connecting to WAN PPPOE, waits for sometime and say 'Could not connect to PPPOE'
normally it comes - verifying username and password and registers to network

When i check the Network and Sharing page during this sequence, it says
Unidentified Network - no network access
What if you setup your modem to handle PPPoE.
Set it up that way. See if your connection drops.
tush said:
What if you setup your modem to handle PPPoE.
Set it up that way. See if your connection drops.

Doesnt help for me, as I am not bandwidth restricted and time based plans and not UL

The thing is once i disconnect the dialer and try to reconnect, the Network changes to Unidentified and I cannot connect after that unless I restart both PC and modem

Similar issues highlighted here

"Unidentified Network" "Local Access" - Windows 7 Forums

Limited connectivity - Unidentified network - Windows 7 Forums

FIX is mentioned here
Will need to try after I reinstall Win7 later once i get some time

"Unidentified Network" "Local Access" - Windows 7 Forums


Check to see if you have this little devil in your services list:

"##Id_String2.6844F930_1628_4223_B5CC_5BB94B87 9762 ##"

If you do, stop it and disable it. It is actually the Bonjour DNS Responder Service, and I believe it is the cause of the "Unidentified Network."

The Unidentified Network disappeared after stopping this service and a quick disable/enable of the NIC, restoring Internet access.

I Actually just rebooted, edited this post, and then re-enabled the offensive service to see what would happen...Immediately after enabling the NIC and this bastard service, the "Unidentified Network" returned...stopped it, disabled it, disable/enable NIC...Internet back up and running and no "Unidentified Network." (woot - woot!)

Hope that helps! I haven't had issues since...
FYI - I experienced this in both build 7100 and 7127...I am running 7127 now x64 - and discovered this fix just last far so good just rebooted and then edited this post...I believe this fix will solve 7100 build issues too; however... I have not tested 7100 again yet.

...I also re-enabled Win 7's Discovery Mapping services, but always leave IPv6 disabled just because I am not using it.

...another two reboots, and a hard disk addition, and no problems with the Internet! - If you tried another fix such as changing the address of your network adapter, under "Advanced" - this is not necessary...I set mine back to "Not Configured." Everything is working fine as long as the Bonjour service is not running...another reason to hate the French? LOL
Striker10 said:
This Bonjour service comes part of Apple iTunes I think.. How did you get it with windows 7??

Oh i didnt know that
This was a fix i copied from that forum

I actually didnt have any Itunes installed on my PC that time, so may be this fix is not the right fix at all
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