Shame on Indian Media and shame on us


May 2, 2005
Something to ponder about. This is not mine or my friend's blog. Just something that was fwded to my inbox and i think what is being said is right

Dear Editors of HT, TOI, IndianExpress and TheHindu, I got the mail below from a friend of mine and following the unwritten code of conduct, I am forwarding it to my friends but all efforts of people who have been forwarding this mail would go waste if this mail doesn't reach YOU......

Something to think about..!!

Shame on Indian Media??? Really what a shame...

By the time u guys read this news, the body of Major Manish Pitambare, who was shot dead at Anantnag, would have been cremated with full military honors.

On Tuesday, this news swept across all the news channels 'Sanjay Dutt relieved by court'. 'Sirf Munna not a bhai' '13 saal ka vanvaas khatam' 'although found guilty for possession of armory, Sanjay can breath sigh of relief as all the TADA charges against him are withdrawn' Then many personalities like Salman Khan said 'He is a good person. We knew he will come out clean'. Mr Big B said "Dutt's family and our family have relations for years he's a good kid. He is like elder brother to Abhishek". His sister Priya Dutt said "we can sleep well tonight. It's a great relief"

In other news, Parliament was mad at Indian team for performing bad; Greg Chappell said something; Shah Rukh Khan replaces Amitabh in KBC and other such stuff. But most of the emphasis was given on Sanjay Dutt's "phoenix like" comeback from the ashes of terrorist charges. Surfing through the channels, one news on BBC startled me. It read "Hisbul Mujahidin's most wanted terrorist 'Sohel Faisal' killed in
Anantnag , India . Indian Major leading the operation lost his life in the process. Four others are injured.

It was past
midnight , I started visiting the stupid Indian channels, but Sanjay Dutt was still ruling. They were telling how Sanjay pleaded to the court saying 'I'm the sole bread earner for my family', 'I have a daughter who is studying in US' and so on. Then they showed how Sanjay was not wearing his lucky blue shirt while he was hearing the verdict and also how he went to every temple and prayed for the last few months. A suspect in Mumbai bomb blasts, convicted under armory act...was being transformed into a hero.

Sure Sanjay Dutt has a daughter; Sure he did not do any terrorist activity. Possessing an AK47 is considered too elementary in terrorist community and also one who possesses an AK47 has a right to possess a pistol so that again is not such a big crime; Sure Sanjay Dutt went to all the temples;

Sure he did a lot of Gandhigiri but then........ ...

Major Manish H Pitambare got the information from his sources about the terrorists' whereabouts. Wasting no time he attacked the camp, killed Hisbul Mujahidin's supremo and in the process lost his life to the bullets fired from an AK47. Just like Sanjay Dutt he is survived by a wife and daughter who's only 18 months old.

Major Manish never said 'I have a daughter' before he took the decision to attack the terrorists in the darkest of nights. He never thought about having a family and he being the bread earner. No news channel covered this since they were too busy hyping a former drug addict, a suspect who's linked to bomb blasts which killed hundreds. Their aim was to show how he defied the TADA charges and they were so successful that his conviction in possession of armory had no meaning. They also concluded that his parents in heaven must be happy and proud of him.

Parents of Major Manish are still living and they have to live rest of their lives without their beloved son. His daughter won't ever see her daddy again.


Dec 28, 2006
if the media had to put forth news of every soldier and major loosing his life in the line of duty , i dont think we will have any other news , ....yes its quite sad that they die , yes they are very very very brave people who put their life down for the country ...and yes most of us wont even know them ...but putting their names and their life story on the media ...whats it going to do? want them to start an obituary channel?


May 9, 2005
Goa, India.
@ kippu - BBC picked it up, and this probably did make sense and it was a Hizbul Commander killed by an Indian soldier, its noteworthy news mate ;)

Agreed the Indian TV Media is getting useless day by day.. :mad:


May 2, 2005
kippu said:
but putting their names and their life story on the media ...whats it going to do? want them to start an obituary channel?

Putting name of celebrities in media, whats that going to do? For that matter, putting anyone's name in media whats that going to do for you? I am not saying start an obituray channel, but am surely saying ppl should have known about it. And, if u r trying to be a devil's advocate here, spare ur discussion and argument for ur like-minded persons.


Sep 19, 2005
indian media is only interested in sensationalism. Just a few weeks back when there was rioting in Rajasthan, one news channel was playing back a clip of a person getting shot in his hand. Though it took only about a second for the bullet to hit the guy, those few moments were being continuously replayed over and over again. It was really disgusting on the channel's part to do such a thing.

Also during the time when our mumbai was submerged in rain water, these very channels were playing back the same clip of a woman being dragged down by the force of the water current.

My advice is to take this with a pinch of salt. No matter what you do or dont, those people dont have a heart or mind which cares for the feeling of others.

They are only after trp ratings and awards.


Jun 27, 2006
And to top it off, a few channels have now started showing astrology related stuff regularly !! theres even a gruesome looking so-called-expert 'baba' running one of the shows....


May 15, 2007
media was once a mount piece of public but sadly now it has lost its dignity and just busy pleasing their political and business masters...
what a shame...

may god help Media


Jun 25, 2006
@ kippu, That is not the point he is trying to make. The point is about how the Indian media hypes/gives importance to news that is of almost no importance. Ok, they inforn us once and that will do. But why the unnecessary drag?

Even i'v felt at many times how the media picks up something they want and makes it HUGE just because they can. There are much more important things in life that can be talked about.. But yes we are ever hungry for gossip and the media thrives on this. They will write or show what is "entertaining" right? So that it is better for them in terms of readership/viewership.. Sad..


Sep 24, 2005
kippu said:
if the media had to put forth news of every soldier and major loosing his life in the line of duty , i dont think we will have any other news , ....yes its quite sad that they die , yes they are very very very brave people who put their life down for the country ...and yes most of us wont even know them ...but putting their names and their life story on the media ...whats it going to do? want them to start an obituary channel?

I hope you didn't say that just like that to stir up another hot debate/thread.:no:

While i myself am not doing anything for my nation exactly, i might at least spare a few moments and a few tears fro someone who dies protecting my nation, me and my family.

We mope for ages when we lose a dear one in some accident or illness.

This guy's family just lost a dear one for us.:(

Wars in general when televised, esp the Gulf war and Kargil war were entertainment for many.:mad:

Maybe you wouldn't have been so rigid/dry/indifferent about this whole incident, if that guy was family or a friend or even an acquaintance, or if you had some grandparent who was a freedom-fighter or had someone in the armed forces.:cool2:


Aug 3, 2005
Got this via email a month back. Forwarded it to everyone on my list, including a relative who works for the media. Its really sad to see how the media these days are obsessed with celebrities, and movies. True that they earn money from them. But how about dedicating 15 mins a day on a news channel to show our respect to soldiers who give up their live for their countr?! i dont think thats asking too much! Unless and until the perception of the media changes from purely commercial crap, to something that is useful to the country, i don't think its worth wasting my time on.


Mar 16, 2005
Indian media is B$, they cannot get over celebrities, same can be said for American media too..

For news subscribe to magazines like The Economist and you will be amazed there are ppl and events happenings in places like African continent, eastern European bloc etc..


Jan 1, 2006
Maybe OT..

^ But I'd got that mail some 6 months ago...

And then they kept reappearing every other month as a chain mail!

When such a thing happens, one tends to lose interest in the subject involved, however truthful it might be.


May 14, 2005
=CrAzYG33K= said:
When such a thing happens, one tends to lose interest in the subject involved, however truthful it might be.
What do you mean by that? This is not not some fake email chain.


Resident Medic
Mar 16, 2005
The City of Diamonds.
as the number of news channels are increasing in India the content and the presentation are degrading rapidly.

There were the days when there was only 20 mins news show in DD but still it packed a lot of info.

while today dedicated 24 hours news channel and then continue to bombard you with so much hype and fanboyism that you loose interest in the story itself.

Now a days i have observed that a few so called leaders in news segments have advertisements sponsored by news clippings :rofl: (means more ads than real news).

As such Indian media does not show constraints when it comes to mass casualties or public interest topics.

American media may also be sensalizing celebs but when it comes to national interest they do restrain from unduly behaviour, which is not seen on Indian media.

There are a lot of talk shows happening in news channels but there are same old faces cribbling over trivial topics and no knowledge of the topics with the hosts or anchors.

Now a days i have restricted myself to news gathering via RSS on pc and a few shows i do watch are Sportscentre on ESPN, IBH on CNBCTV18, sometimes 9 pm news show on NDTV 24 x 7 / Times Now / CNN IBN. (out of these three Arnab Goswami has my vote at present moment of time).


Apr 11, 2007
nVidiaBeast said:
ill forward this to a friend who is in media :p she will get crazy :lol:

Even better why not let us know her thoughts on this so we may glean a few insights into how they think.

Is it as simple an answer as

How many ppl know Sanjay Dutt vs the poor sod who lost his life ?


Aug 12, 2005
May the brave brother rest in peace.

Indian mass media has to go, along with this crappy government and bureaucracy of ours, if we're to survive as a nation with dignity. A nation, which doesn't respect its soldiers doesn't deserve to exist. In stead, Indian media is too busy covering lifestyle of fake Bollywood crowd, corrupt politicians, their parties and political non-agenda. And, cricket!

Are we going to sit on our arses and expect some divine intervention to change the stinking system overnight? For if we are, it's not going to happen.


Dec 28, 2006
nah ...lets everyday sit down and listen to the news about who died and the crying faces of his family ...sure that will be wonderful for the morale of the nation


Mar 18, 2005
Shame on us indeed. Thing is, what have we done to act against it? heck, what can we do?

Send them emails? Wouldn't work. Call them up and complain, too lazy. Try and hold a street demonstration? We wouldn't have enough support for that, as I'm quite the majority would chose Sunjay Dutt over one bad-ass father who gave his life to save his family. That's the mentality we're still at.

In any case, as long as we have International news channels streaming in in this country, as long as theaters in here release Hollywood movies just as much as Bollywood, I'm fine.