Share your Yahoo messenger ID's

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Hiya guys just wondering why not interact here as well as on yahoo messenger it would be fun pulling each other legs, discuss issues with respect to tech stuff and having a conference and all.What do you feel...

So keep adding ;) Mention TE id before adding ;)

Yahoo messenger id :
This is another one of those not required threads floating around in TE offlate.

There is the IRC channel for the 'Conference' thing. You cud have bumped that up and asked abt member presence there.

Moreover, If anybody wants to contact any user, a simple trip to profile page will reveal the contact info.

Your own post bears the link to your yahoo id.

Atleast try to look up your own profile/posts. You have been here since 2008 sid. Wake up.
Yaar, tp ko maaro goli.. get into something real big time.

pick up one area and dive into it. Be it gaming/overclocking/sound/processor/photography and get down to ripping the topic apart.

tp karne ko noobies hain not you.

get some reviews in here and get cracking.
^No offense, but what has been up your ass lately? You remind me of an old man in my neighborhood who comes out with a stick everytime someone passes through his garden.
Dont know.. something def been goin on. :)
No offense taken (although u can def trim ur language a lil bit.) And yea.. i dont go posting abt in every thread either. Look carefully again.
yea relax spacey been little on the edge lately , take some time off and do something else , or else stress will get you
One can put his/her/it's yahoo ID on his/her/it's profile ((user CP-> Edit your details)). Since we have such options, why would anyone or everyone would fill up posts? Use the existing forum resources. They exist for a reason :p.

If people are so darn lazy, then they are better off staying away from the internet.
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