PC Peripherals shoud I add more RAMs ?


PC enthusiast since MS DOS 5
Here is my RiG, a poor man's gaming RiG :tongue:

Currently with 2GB setup.

Should I go for 4GB config ?

P.S. running Vista Homa Basic 64.
^^ Certainly does not look like a poor man's rig to me... :bleh: :bleh:

Anyway getting DDR RAM is not practical now.... the prices are all jacked up & the performance would be negligible for the setup.. 2GB is more than enough...:)
NeViLLe said:
seeing your rig... I'd say no coz you will have to get DDR RAM which I think is quite expensive rite now...

Yeah yeah... i bought one 1GB DDR RAM for 2K couple of months back:mad: ...
2GB & 4GB wont make much of a diff in common apps or even games.. I used to have 3GB of ram & now using only 2GB and it hasent made much of a difference to the performance..
backtoexistence said:
instead of spending on expensive DDR's.. why not get a new motherboard and DDR2 rams.. u dnt really need 4 gigs..


You wuldn't be able to utilise the full 4 Gigs of RAM!!!!
I use to run my adobe premire along with after effects and ma RAM haven't even reached more that 2.5 Gigs!!!
it does make a difference when you have 4 gigs of ram.. >> DDR 2<<.. and a 64 bit operating system .. unleash the power of 4 gigs then :eek:hyeah:
it really is powerful when you perform multitasking or image rendering n stuff.. i tried testing 4 gigs of ram on my system with 64 bit vista hp edition with an E8400 o'clocked to 4ghz.. and to my surprise i could multi-task/alt-tab between 3 high end games like nfs-mw, battlefield 2 and assassins creed and a file copy of 320 mb without any slow-downs > simultaneously.. before trying 4 gigs or ram, i had 1+1 GB of corsairs lined up and i had to wait 10 seconds between these games to be switched.. so imagine the power it holds when you combine a 64 bit OS which can support 4 gigs and more.. ;)