Hello people! I have an FX-6300 (and a GTX 650Ti Boost , mobo is a Gigabyte GA-970A-DS3 ). I recently found out that maximum safe temperatures for an FX series cpu is 62C.
While I have idle temps at around 35-40C, whenever I am playing games such as CoD4, MW2, Dragon Age:Origins, Witcher EE, AC2, AC3 etc, my CPU temps are always hovering just around 60C sometimes goes till 64-65C. But these games that I've been playing are kinda old, and I am planning to play games like Metro 2033 and Witcher 2, which are pretty demanding. I do regularly clean my cabinet and remove all the dust and my cable management is pretty decent, so it seems that the stock cooler isn't doing very well.
So should I get an aftermarket cooler? If yes, which one do you recommend?
PS : I don't plan on overclocking
PPS : I live in Bangalore so I can go to SP Road, or else I am also open to online purchase.
While I have idle temps at around 35-40C, whenever I am playing games such as CoD4, MW2, Dragon Age:Origins, Witcher EE, AC2, AC3 etc, my CPU temps are always hovering just around 60C sometimes goes till 64-65C. But these games that I've been playing are kinda old, and I am planning to play games like Metro 2033 and Witcher 2, which are pretty demanding. I do regularly clean my cabinet and remove all the dust and my cable management is pretty decent, so it seems that the stock cooler isn't doing very well.
So should I get an aftermarket cooler? If yes, which one do you recommend?
PS : I don't plan on overclocking
PPS : I live in Bangalore so I can go to SP Road, or else I am also open to online purchase.