Storage Solutions Should i get my HDD replaced?

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went to sony service center and they are saying they don't use 3rd party software to check HDD... they use only vaio hardware diagnosis and if they find any error using that vaio hardware diagnosis then only they will replace my HDD otherwise they will not do it.... what should i do now?
^ i checked at my place and it was showing no error....

Got a call from service center saying software have found no error so we cannot replace your HDD....
every product has its own testing software.. Ideally if it is broken , which needs a replacement.. don't give chance for your hdd to die with all your valuable data...Get that replaced..
^ tried but they are saying vaio hardware is not showing any error so they cannot replace the hard drive....
I get similar "Warning" msg for my 5year old Hitachi 80GB Deskstar.

Tried Hitachi's tool, but it bootable CD, DOS based thing, cant get it started :D

In Drive selection window it shows "nil" drives.
but even worse numbers for 3year old Laptop's HDD.
(will post pic later)
got t call HP CC :D

can some one with NEW HDD install HD Tune Pro & check "health tab". Post your results too :D

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

Laptop HDD
Ok I have a similar problem. My netbooks hard disk shows error when I am on Ubuntu. The Windows CHKDSK doesn't show any errors. I get CRC errors when I download lot of file in the utorrent.

Called Samsung guys and they told that they will only check with the samsung diagnostics stuff. Of course thats of no use.

I have already ordered WD Black 320GB for my netbook. Will take out the stock disc and use it as my external disc. Can't rely on the old disc and the samsung guys.
please guys tell what should i do... i can't mail them because my mail will be sent to nearest sony service center which is of no use....
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