Should I go for a dedicated music phone or A Smartphone + MP3 Player?
Currently I am planning to buy a new phone. Now i have two options
1)Buy W995(possible the best music phone in market)
However I will miss the Android craze and touchscreen feel.
But SOund will be awesome I guess
2)Buy a dedicated MP3 player with best SQ(Cowen iAudio7 or D2 in my mind) and a cheap android phone (Samsung i5700). That way I will be enjoying both Amazing SQ and this Android craze.
So What do you guys suggest.
(And I don't think w995 can match the SQ of i7 or D2)
Budget: 20-22k
Currently I am planning to buy a new phone. Now i have two options
1)Buy W995(possible the best music phone in market)
However I will miss the Android craze and touchscreen feel.
But SOund will be awesome I guess
2)Buy a dedicated MP3 player with best SQ(Cowen iAudio7 or D2 in my mind) and a cheap android phone (Samsung i5700). That way I will be enjoying both Amazing SQ and this Android craze.
So What do you guys suggest.
(And I don't think w995 can match the SQ of i7 or D2)
Budget: 20-22k