Should I go for an dedicated music phone or A Smartphone + MP3 Player?

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Should I go for a dedicated music phone or A Smartphone + MP3 Player?


Currently I am planning to buy a new phone. Now i have two options

1)Buy W995(possible the best music phone in market)
However I will miss the Android craze and touchscreen feel.
But SOund will be awesome I guess

2)Buy a dedicated MP3 player with best SQ(Cowen iAudio7 or D2 in my mind) and a cheap android phone (Samsung i5700). That way I will be enjoying both Amazing SQ and this Android craze.

So What do you guys suggest.
(And I don't think w995 can match the SQ of i7 or D2)

Budget: 20-22k
The first thing you need to know - If you are looking at quality audio like the MP3 players you have mentioned(Cowon,Iaudio etc) , you won't get it in any phone . The closest Ive come across is in an iphone as it does sound as good as an ipod and the iphone 3GS that I tried sounded exactly as an itouch.

Other than that,even the best of the best music phones don't sound that good :). If you are looking for portability, avoid carrying 2 devices and don't mind mediocre sound quality - get a good music phone else get separate devices.
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eggman said:

Currently I am planning to buy a new phone. Now i have two options

1)Buy W995(possible the best music phone in market)
However I will miss the Android craze and touchscreen feel.
But SOund will be awesome I guess

2)Buy a dedicated MP3 player with best SQ(Cowen iAudio7 or D2 in my mind) and a cheap android phone (Samsung i5700). That way I will be enjoying both Amazing SQ and this Android craze.

So What do you guys suggest.
(And I don't think w995 can match the SQ of i7 or D2)

Budget: 20-22k

I would suggest to get a decent phone like samsung spica along with a good pmp. Here are few shortcomings of using phone as pmp:

1. Audio quality is inferior
2. Ui of media player in phones is not as clean as that in pmps.
3. Battery life can be a concern as u use your phone for longer periods. This can be a headache when u r travelling.

For 20-22k budget, I would suggest you to get samsung spica + cowon s9 8gb (13k+ 9.8k)
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Phone (for calls) + PMP (for music) + Digicam (for photos) FTW! Never everything combined in a phone, we pay higher get average results!:P

eggman said:
^^Thanks for the advice! Phone + PMP it seems!
eggman said:
^^Thanks for the advice! Phone + PMP it seems!

wlcm. I walked that road of using phone as PMP. I sold off my Cowon D2 when I purchased 5800XM and it was hard to get more than a day's backup on my phone as I used to listen to music a lot. In the end, got ipod touch and I get more than 2 days battery backup on both devices (not to forget the better audio quality, better media player UI etc).
Iphone is the best bet so far if your are ready to compromise on productive time as you won't get much battery life. Otherwise go for a Decent phone + Ipod Touch thats what i think!
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