should i retain the Beetel Modem+WiFi router or ask them to give me a modem

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i've got an Airtel BBand Connection and they gave me a Beetel 440TXi Modem + WiFi router with it... which sucks to say the least.
hi... after reading through this site, i realised that Buffalo WHR-HP-G54 is the WiFi router that i want to buy. My question is, do i ask them to replace my Modem+WiFi router with a modem or use this as the modem and another WiFi router. And hence, can i turn off the WiFi functions of the Beetel and use it only as a modem? It will not have any cost implications whether i retain this one or ask them for an ADSL Modem.
Please guide me ASAP.

i'm not being charged any rent for it. its a part of my plan. i paid a deposit which they'll retain until i cancel my connection, irrespective of whether i want to keep the wifi or ask for a modem. so, it wont make a diff which one i decide to keep
ok... but i currently have a ADSL Modem + WiFi router. So, can i couple this with the Buffalo wireless router or should i ask the Airtel guys to replace my Modem+WiFi with a Modem?
Yeah, you can do that.
if you look in ADSL modem you will find network ports. You need to plug in the port from Buffalo's wan port to this network port in [A]ADSL+Wifi. That way you can use them.

Here comes the hard part:
  1. The radio frequencies from B and A are going to interfere badly (even though if you use different WIFI Channels), thereby severely affecting the range. Checkout your manual if you can turn A's WIFI off.
  2. If you can't then u are better off with replacing A.

Makes sense?;)

yeah makes sense... let me check about turning off the WiFi...
btw, i checked the prices in Bangalore... there's only 1 dealer..
HP-G54 is 4100+tax and G54s is 2100+tax..
so i guess i'll go in for the latter for now (financial constraints u see) and in any case it has WDS support... so i can upgrade if i need to in the future
vinayparatala said:
yeah makes sense... let me check about turning in any case it has WDS support... so i can upgrade if i need to in the future

Ahh WDS... I didnt try it, not many folks around using Wifi and in that non-stop!:(
alrite... so i went and picked up Buffalo WHR-G54s... brilliant stuff i must say

Installation was a breeze... 10 mins flat... my entire network was up and running. Paid 2180 in Bangalore... there's a super dealer listed on Buffalo Inc.. All my range issues are solved... thx for all ur inputs guys!

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