Graphic Cards Should i upgrade from 8800 GTX



i have a 8800 GTX. I am planning for a GTX 260 / 4870 or 4890. I have a 1400 x 900 widescreen monitor.

Do you advise an upgrade or should i simply wait for now?
Not much point, i doubt there are many games that you can't max on a 19 incher with that 8800GTX.
However, GTX 260/HD 4870/90 should be a good upgrade option.
What PSU are you using?
First make up your mind about a larger monitor, at least a resolution of 1680 x 1050. Both the 4870 1 GB and GTX 260 216 make sense with that resolution. If your 8800GTX is running fine on that PSU these should as long as there is a 100 watts or so of headroom
With that monitor no. And if you really wanna upgrade when you get a better display rather get a Gtx 275/4890.
that card will pull things even at 1680 1050 , no need to upgrade really. If you are upgrading you need something along the lines of a 4890 or gtx 285 or 4870x2 those will be the only cards that will be a real big upgrade the other cards wont be a huge jump. And imo that jump is not worth it, i dont think any game is going to come out that u need to upgrade for wait for the DX11 cards and then take a call. At that point even if there arent DX11 games u can buy the current hardware for peanuts.
im still on my 8800gts320 with a 24" monitor :p

i play on intermediate resolutions line 1280X960 and 1680x1050....

it all depends on ur preference, if u r only comfortable with playin games on high settings with native resolution,,then u ll have to upgrade to a better card....

in ur case , i would say wait till gt300 or Hd5xxx or atleast till u upgrade to a larger monitor
Powersurge said:
that card will pull things even at 1680 1050 , no need to upgrade really. If you are upgrading you need something along the lines of a 4890 or gtx 285 or 4870x2 those will be the only cards that will be a real big upgrade the other cards wont be a huge jump. And imo that jump is not worth it, i dont think any game is going to come out that u need to upgrade for wait for the DX11 cards and then take a call. At that point even if there arent DX11 games u can buy the current hardware for peanuts.

Not really. And prices won't fall till DX11 cards start selling. The GTX 285 would be perfect. The 8800GTX doesn't pull Clear Sky at that res, an upgrade is needed, but then few cards do...
No need mate. I have a 22" monitor and even my single 8800GTS 512MB card easily maxes out all the games with full AA at 1680x1050. Leave alone a 19 incher. I'd suggest you to wait for some more killer games and then upgrade. That will be a good upgrade. Buying a new graphics card now is like burning cash.

The only games my PC struggles with are Crysis,Crysis Warhead and sometimes GTA IV. Isn't it the same case for most of the PCs out there? :D
I suggest U to sell it and buy HD 4770, similar performance (if not then slightly overclock) but allmost 1/3rd power consumption. Gr8 savings.
Yup as all suggested, stick with 8800GTX.. its a gr8 card n can handle any game at max settings evn on a 22" monitor...

Hence, if u want to spend, spend on Audio - Sound card or speakers or Headphones. :)
Thanks a lot guys...I had been speculating an upgrade since i had someone returning from US. The prices in India are marked up by almost 50%. Eg: MSI GTX260 OC for Rs 12500 from SMC in delhi against $176 from Newegg.

But since i guess i can play most the the games in a 19" (have space constraint in the cabinet for a larger size), i should not burn a single buck.

PS: For all those who asked about PSU, I have a 600W cooler master.