Should pedestrian's be fined for not using the footpath!?!

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Well i was getting home Heera Panna after finally getting the usb cable for my coolpix 5600...between prabhadevi n dadar i ran into some slow moving traffic...being on my cbz i started to carve my way thru the traffic mostly usnig the space on the 'left side' ....however certain ppl believe walking on the road is much safer n better then walking on the footpaths(which now even have railings) was so damm frustating honking at those idiots jaywalking on the road next to the empty foothpath...

This 1 guy i honked at and whom i asked(not so politely) to walk on the footpath...actually started walking in between the cars to right!! :rofl: :rofl: Talk abt taking something seriously!!

Now when will ppl learn to use something that is actually meant for them to use...and then they say there are so many accidents on the roads...imagine a BEST bus nudging some1 who is wakling on the road at rush hour! :@

I wish there was a fine for something like this(imagine bribing the 'mama' for such an offence)...but sadly it will never happen and ppl will never learn!!
ya i feel for you man!! i do!!

when i`m a pedstrian i`ll keep to the left(if there aint no footpath or when there is then i`m on a the footpath always)..

but i feel people take cars/bikes for granted.. that nothing can happen to them.. or if something does then they would get away with it..

i have seen accidents happen or abt to happen and almost everytime its the fault of the pesdestrian... why?? cause they are careless enough to not notice a vehicle coming , or they thinking the road is their garden where they can stroll till eternity!

the worst is when you keep honking at them and yet they wont get aside to let you go!!

putting a fine is a good idea. but implementation would be a problem!. ..

firstly you could only fine people where there are footpaths and more importantly the footpaths are open to public and not hawkers!

better way is to have public walkways underground.. costly .. but i guess a lot better... it might just help in clearing up the roads above of hawkers and people.. and enable free movement of vehicles.. ..
^^ afaik entire south bombay has footpaths....u wont find a single place without foothpath...i dont know much abt the suburbs..
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