Should Sachin get Bharat Ratna?

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Whats his contribution to India other in sports, because Bharat Ratna isn't given to someone who has done major contribution only to sports.
Isn't this question like asking girls whether Shahrukh should continue doing films ?
Sachin lovers are gonna give a resounding YES.
Which retard girl would say Yes? LOL

And yes, there is always fear of fanboism and bias in every discussion, but that doesn't mean we cannot have a useful discussion in civil manner.
Well, Don Bradman was knighted by the Queen for his outstanding performance in cricket. Since we don't knight people, maybe that's why PM Manmohan thought giving the Bharat Ratna would be a good choice.
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I haven't watched cricket in over five years now, but since he made the best bowlers in the world shit their pants just thinking of him, he deserves an award of some kind.

Bharat Ratna, not sure. How meaningful is the award? For example, how many people here remember the last five personalities who got it?
Bharat Ratna, not sure. How meaningful is the award? For example, how many people here remember the last five personalities who got it?
I do. And let me tell you that it is most prestigious award an Indian civilian would get.
And yes, there is always fear of fanboism and bias in every discussion, but that doesn't mean we cannot have a useful discussion in civil manner.
So why don't you offer YOUR opinion for a change with justfications.
Unless they agree to give the award to Dhyanchand first.

But this amendment in law has the potential to give rise to situations where the parties will start using it for political mileage. Apart from that, the amendment has set a precedent where people from other walks of life can and will be considered, and we all know how intelligent our think tank gen is.
What i found interesting is a private company person gets bharat ratna.Because according to BCCI it doesnt fall under RTI.So technically its a private company.
Aha, thats an interesting way to look at it.

I thought you said this was supposed to be
1. Civil
2. Useful
Your post is neither. For one, you haven't answered the second part of the question.
How it is not in civil manner? Care to explain? I will edit it. And in the OP itself I cited my reason, I don't see his contributions in any other place than sports.
Whats his contribution to India other in sports.
That contribution is in a league of its own.

Going by the requirements to get a BR, it seems they have opened up the criteria.

You could ask the same question of artists as well isn't it or what was Nelson Mandela's contribution to india.

Take a look at the list of awardees, and the first artist gets it in '88. So at that point people must have asked the same question as well. In 2011 they decided to take it to its logical conclusion, any field in which a person excels at in a unique manner.

Until 2011, the official criteria for awarding the Bharat Ratna stipulated it was to be conferred "for the highest degrees of national service. This service includes artistic, literary, and scientific achievements, as well as "recognition of public service of the highest order."

In December 2011, the Government of India modified the criteria to allow sportspersons to receive the award; since then, the award may be conferred "for performance of highest order in any field of human endeavour."

if you disagree, you need to source the official reasons and then challenge them.
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Ok I will bite.
What is a Bharat Ratna, What is its significance and who were the past awardees and why?.

Maybe this should be understood before we talk about awarding it to SRT.
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Sachin Tendulkar is indeed one of the greaTEST and greaONEDAY player but he is not a Bharat Ratna material. Not before legendary Major Dhyan Chandra.
If Govt of India Thinks Sachin Deserves Bharat Ratna, then Atal Bihari Vajpayee Deserves Bharat Ratna. Albeit both of them don't deserve according to me.

Indians are too Good at Overaction!
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