Show off your PS3 collection :)

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Ill start here :)


Wow! He he! Nice. :D

I play and sell 'em off. Whatever warrants great MP action, I keep it.

*koff MGS4 koff koff*

EDIT: Do I see a KZ2 steelbook edition there? Aw man, sheroo is uber r33ch! :(
photos always look better :)

I even followed Dark Star's guide and made only the titles in colour, add softlight etc etc :P
Here's my modest collection of PS3 games. PS3 games are costly, so I cannot buy a lot. :ashamed: Its less than 1/6th the size of my PC games collection.

PS: Sorry about the crappy pic :ashamed: , but my Digicam batteries are out of charge, so clicked the pic with phone.
^Woah! Now that's a colelction! :)

Btw how did Ninja Gaiden Sigma appeal to you? Was the game all that hard going by the hearsay?
Gannu said:
Btw how did Ninja Gaiden Sigma appeal to you? Was the game all that hard going by the hearsay?

Its insanely hard. In fact a lot harder what what you would expect from hearsay.

I myself Never got past the third level to tell the truth :P and that's to say about the Sigma which is considered some what toned down compared to the original version on the XBOX. Many people who are used to playing other games on normal difficulty level will not get past the training levels end boss in a couple of tries even if played at the lowest difficulty.

The difficulty is by design and I would say its the only negative point of this game. Most people would be frusturated quickly enough.
^Oh damn. I so wanted to play this title and unfortunately this was the one I ordered thru PA and never made it here. Yet! :(
Here's mine:


Have a couple of more with friends.

I like to keep balance on all my 3 platforms when it comes to multi-plat games. Sometimes I just prefer it for a particular platform, but most of the time I deliberately favor one over other to keep it balanced, since honestly all of them give me equal entertainment/graphical experience .. only exception being that I like XBL more than PSN (and achievements over trophies.) :P

BTW, those 2 titles written in jap are: VF5 and Ridge racer7.
Hurr, thats a lot of games :)

I hope my collection reaches 20 soon. Although by my past records, I have been buying a ps3 game only one in about 3 months.
These is my collection at the moment, had to sell 4-5 of my PS3 games like MSPR, GT5P,Far Cry 2 etc. last to last month for buying a PSP. :P

Soon to be added Uncharted 2 and Modern Warfare 2 to this list , both on pre-order. :)

^^Man I want GTA4. I have it for the pc but its unplayable for me with my 8800gt and 2 gb ram.

I think it will make sense if I buy it for the PS3. If anyone wants to sell, lemme know.
Btw, I've got the following ATM:

Killzone 2


Resistance 2

GT5 Prologue

Sold - MGS4 :P

Preordered - Uncharted 2

Ordered (from Play-Asia) but failed to reach - Ninja Gaiden Sigma *sigh*
Here's my list....too lazy to post pics


Motostorm Pacific Rift

FightNight Round 4

Ashes Cricket 2009

Virtua Tennis 2009


NFS: Pro Street

Burnout paradise

SVR 08

Beijing 2008

The Bigs

Uncharted 2 (coming soon)

As you can see from the list above, i only keep games which have good M/P, play the adventure games and sell them...
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