Mac OS Show your OS X Desktop!

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Srirama said:
Thread revive.
Not the best desktop :P
never the less,keeping the thread alive :)

Holy mother of Desktop Icons!
Just wondering, if you want access to those folders quickly, why don't you just move them off the desktop and then just keep them as Finder sidebar shortcuts, like so?



  • Screen-Shot-2011-09-23-at-2.51.jpg
    82.3 KB · Views: 251
Yeah have to do that,Kind of a busy week,with exams,web development work,writing my statement of purpose,symposium .... etc.

It Piled on.
Having a different "Show your desktop thread" just for OSX users simply shows how Apple (and it's users) have succeeded in considering them as "different from the rest". :P

But seriously, why do we have a separate one when we already have a thread for this in Graphics and Eyecandy section? We don't have "Show your Windows/Linux desktop" threads do we?
viralbug said:
Having a different "Show your desktop thread" just for OSX users simply shows how Apple (and it's users) have succeeded in considering them as "different from the rest". :P

But seriously, why do we have a separate one when we already have a thread for this in Graphics and Eyecandy section? We don't have "Show your Windows/Linux desktop" threads do we?

No clue. A possible reason being after posting an OSX screenie, one might face a question of "awesome customisation dude, what Rainmeter icons and Rocketdock theme??", to which an "ummm.. OSX" wouldn't be quite a sufficient and befitting reply, would it?

I am partially kidding of course.

Awesome desktop!
Few questions if you don't mind...
1. what is that headphone app you're using?
2. what are you using to get that front row dock in left?
3. what music player is that?
4. amazing theme! where'd you get that? custom dock and everything..

sorry again for multiple questions :P
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Mate, how do ya get weather, time and current track on the desktop?

I used Geektool...

Weather script #Shell:
curl --silent "" | grep "forecast-icon" | sed "s/.*background\\:url(\\'\\(.*\\)\\')\\;\\ _background.*/\\1/" | xargs curl --silent -o /tmp/weather.png

Make the Refresh every 3600 secs or the server would ban your ip

Time is simple unix command

export TZ=Asia/Calcutta; date "+%I:%M %p " ;

The current track is much more complex using a script

The Ram CPU info again a Unix command

top -l 1 | awk '/PhysMem/ {print "RAM in use : " $8 " "}';

df -hl | grep 'disk0s2' | awk '{print "Free Disk Space : " $4 " out of " $2 " (" $5 ")" }';

topdata=`top -n1 -l 2`;
echo "$topdata"|awk '/CPU usage/ && NR > 5 {print "CPU Usage (User) : " $3}';
echo "$topdata"|awk '/CPU usage/ && NR > 5 {print "CPU Usage (System) : " $5}';

#uptime info
echo "$updata" | awk '{print "Uptime : " $3 " " $4 " "}';
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