Shutdown Windows automatically

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d@rK nEmEsIs

Right click on your desktop and choose "New=>shortcuts".

Step 2:

In the box that says "Type the location of the shortcut",

type in "shutdown -s -t 3600" without the quotation marks and click next.

Note: 3600 are the amount of seconds before your computer shuts down. So , 60secs*60mins=3600secs.

Step 3:

Make up a name for the shortcut and you're done.

You can change the icon by right clicking=>properities=>change icon=>browse.

To abort

To make an abort key to stop the shutdown timer just create another shortcut and make

the "location of the shortcut" to " shutdown -a" without the quotes.


Here is another trick to shutdown at a specific time, for example you wish to shutdown at 11:35am. Type this in



Type Code: at 11:35 shutdown -s

to abort


shutdown -a

all time is in 24hr

Source : Jordan : Hacking Made Easy / PC Hacks / How to Shutdown PC with timer
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man we used to do this all the time in our computer lab .. . there is way by which u can do this remotely also .. so we all used to shut down each others computers .. U can also specify the time interval after which to shut down the comp like after 1 ssec etc ..
DShutdown is equally good with many options available..
but don't need it these days as i'm using the auto-shutdown plugin in azureus !
a much easier option would be to put the shutdown command in a bat file, and run it using the scheduler
I use "shutdown -r -t 0" to reboot the windows 2003. this way we can avoid the reason screen which pops up whenever we do reboots. :D
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