Sine Mora - Discussion Thread


Secret Agent Man

Official Web Page: Sine Mora

Developer: Digital Reality/Grasshopper Manufacture

Publisher: Microsoft Studios

Genre: Arcade Shoot 'em up

Release date: March 21, 2012


Sine Mora is a side scrolling shoot 'em up game. The player controls an airplane in along two axes while attacking enemies. The gameplay world is rendered in 3D, and at key points an in-game cutscene plays in which the camera and plane move. These are often transitions into another part of the gameplay world, but are also used to give the player a new perspective for things such as boss battles. The plane's primary weapons can be upgraded, and players are equipped with a limited-use, more powerful secondary weapon to eliminate more on-screen enemies at one time. Consecutive kills with the primary weapon will increase the game's score multiplayer, while use of the secondary weapon will reset the multiplier. The player's final score is determined by a number of factors including kills, damage taken, and power-ups collected.

IGN Video Review (9/10):


Official Trailer:

I was playing this as timepass when I couldnt play Catherine with my family around. The save system is a bit problematic, it says saving but when it restarts the game goes from the first level. Really strange.