six axis controller

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I might be asking a dumb question but on PS3, how do we activate six axis motion on the controller? I've all six axis motion supported games but I've not been able to play with that six axis experience?

By the way, even though I've enabled all options even on the game but still can't play with 6axis motion.

Can anyone guide me?

Thanks most of the games there will a tip or display tell u that u can use six axis.for motorstorm u can use it through out the race to control u r other games six axis can be used only in a few sections
Six Axis motion supported games that I've are:

1. Army of TWO
2. Medal of Honor: AirBorne
3. Ninja Gaiden: Sigma

At the back of each game it says: SixAXIS Motion Sensitive
Havent played any of them..but the games that i have that have some mini missions which use SixAxis are Ratchet and Clank,Heavenly Sword,Warhawk(you can control the vehicles), and GTA4
in army of two u can use six axis in later part of the game where you use parachute. the parachute moment can be controlled using six in game message will appear where it will tell u that u can control the character using six-axis
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