Sky Sports HD Screenshots - Whens HD Coming To India

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Guys Take a look at these Sky Sports HD Screenshots.

Waiting to watch in Full HD.

You get easily get HD content without wiating ...get a get a good torrent website and download HDTV content like tv shows and movies :)
SharekhaN said:
You get easily get HD content without wiating ...get a get a good torrent website and download HDTV content like tv shows and movies :)

Dude downloading and watching is another thing , watching HD live is another thing.
Don't be so sure. Once CAS rolls out in all of the bigger cities, it is pretty likely. Also, once the Indian team starts winning against Bangladesh (we don't mind if they lose to everyone else), someone will decide to start an HD broadcast of cricket matches.
There are more important things that need to be fixed. There are 300 million dirt poor Indians and 80% of our population lives on less that 2$'s a day. I can live without hdtv and a 5 mbit broadband conn as long as the government diverts those funds to helping the people who really need assistance.
Once again, the zero sum game argument which doesn't hold.

In any case, what does HD have to do with the govt? No one is asking to see Doordarshan in HD.
Anish said:
^ Give it time.. electricity and Broadband is here, HD soon.. :D

True broadband isn't here. broadband with 1Gb and 2GB download limits are meaningless.

I can live without hdtv and a 5 mbit broadband conn as long as the government diverts those funds to helping the people who really need assistance.

Sorry i can't. It's not my fault that there are too many people in india and many of them are poor. Unless they make an effort their lives won't improve.Govt. can't continue spoon feeding them for ever.Anyway the two issues are unrelated.No one is asking the govt. to show HD channels.But if they can "bring in" mobile revolution then why not bring in true broadband or atleast allow private sector to do so.
l33t_5n1p3r_max said:
and 80% of our population lives on less that 2$'s a day.

Thats actually quite a lot. $2 can buy you a lot of stuff if you are in India. So its better not to compare to what it can buy in the US.

Anyway Im waiting to watch Tare Panda and Afroken in HD. They are the worlds best shows :rofl:



i tried to open the HD image attached in the post wid my torrent agent running .. bloody the image didn came up ..

2005 it was wen BBand came up .. and even after 2 years we got the silly Restricting Caps on our heads..

and then ppl say INDIA SHINING ...
l33t_5n1p3r_max said:
There are more important things that need to be fixed. There are 300 million dirt poor Indians and 80% of our population lives on less that 2$'s a day. I can live without hdtv and a 5 mbit broadband conn as long as the government diverts those funds to helping the people who really need assistance.

actually the govt. is neither doing anything concrete for the poor nor providing decent broaband connection :@
^^ I wont say they are not trying ... some national pride does make way for improvement ..sadly i expect more out of people who are supposed to be technologically inclined and supposed to be the next super duper world power ( right on!!)


Though seriously .. i really would like to see the day of a mbit unlimited connection available for a smaller fee ... :)
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