Graphic Cards SLI will now work with unmatched cards



Still, buying one GeForce 6600 and adding another one after some time may be a feasible upgrade path as NVIDIA promised that from now on its multi-GPU technology will allow graphics cards with different BIOS versions and from different manufacturers to work in collaboration, thanks to new drivers. Up to now graphics cards from one maker and with similar BIOS versions were needed for multi-GPU operation.
Now hold on a minute.
Some of you misunderstood it.
It does not mean you can pair different GPUs.
It only says you can now use another GPU made by other manufacturer and different bios. It means you can pait up XFX 6600GT with Gigabyte 6600GT or with MSI 6600GT.

It does not mean you can pair up 6600 with 6800 or 7800.

Also Nvidia officially announced SLI support for 6600 NON GT.
Thats all. Not different GPU.
In short.

6600 can be coupled with any other 6600.
6600GT woth another 6600GT.
6800 with 6800.
Like that.
The card manufacturer dosent matter.
By the way darky dont tell me you didnt understood or knew this ;)

6600GT from some manufacturers came with SLI connector and some did not. And officially all cards from 6600GT and above supported SLI. Now 6600 plain vanilla is in too.
LOl...those who ACTUALLy read the article shud get it ;) , if not :O

Hmm...but wht Ace said is to b looked forward to??
but tht wud be AMR rite;)
should be good news for those who bought a single card and want to sli but cant due to change in bios revisions and change in a few components like memory
am waiting for the day when it will be multi GPU scaled ie a 6600Gt SLIED with 7800 GTX etc...

Hmm Read ppl, am waiting for the day, besides Nvidia doesnt yet support super tiling hence this is out of question.