Slim ps2 ide hard disk

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I have heard that it is possible to connect internal ide hard disk to slim ps2.
Well, is this possible? what is the latest version of ps2 being sold now in sony show rooms?
Yes it is. Mine had USB 1.1, so I did not bother. If the newer ones have 2.0, the read speeds would be fast enough to justify attaching a HDD. Google and you will find guides on how to format HD for slim PS2 use.
One of the shopkeeper said that the hard disk will be integrated inside the slim ps2 like the old ps2.

I have searched this in the internet and found products like HD combo and Hd connect which allows us to do so.
remember it to format it to FAT32 only, my NTSC formatted hard disk doesn't show up...maybe also that it is a SATA disk...just for your info!!!
I tried whole process of #3 post link but didnt work for me :( the software just hangs on Loading the game... it shows game but doesnt load :(
Usb extreme is very slow and it uses usb port which is version1.1. Most of the games are not compatible with usb extreme and the videos are choppy.

So the best way is to connect an ide hard disk internally which does not utilize the usb port.This is possible even in slim ps2.

Go to and search for "ps2 hard disk", you will find ps2 with integrated hard disk(160 gb) selling at a price of rs 9,999.
Don't bother with USB, half the games don't work and the ones that work are unstable.

If you have the earlier Slim versions then you can attach a IDE bay to it. The newer Slims had the IDE solder points completely removed.
nitant said:
Why not just buy a Fat PS2 with network adapter?? Mine works absolutely brilliant.

If you can get one then good. My Phat PS2's GPU got fried and the screen artifacts like crazy. Videos play like through a mosaic glass window. In Burnout the trees are on the middle of the track.
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