Smart bulbs

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A Nobody.

I been hearing a lot of buzz around this lately. Even many video reviews. Yet to see in an Indian context. Or is it already in Indian metro which I am yet to hear or see?

Some of the models I have read are given below,

From new start ups:

Lifx -
Lumen -

Big names like:

LG -
Philips HUE-

and of course from the quintessential bulb company:

GE -

And not exactly a brand you think of when thinking about bulbs:

Belkin -

What is a Smart lamp?

1. They all are highly energy efficient.
2. LED based.
3. Have some sort of connectivity through WiFi, Bluetooth etc
4. Most have an accompanying app(iOS or Android) where you can make your lamp have different light colors, Intensity, functionality etc.

I think these will be fun to have in the living rooms when entertaining people or your lady friend ;).

Good quality power supply is essential if electronics are integrated. Bulbs may be OK, but imagine having a stabilizer for everything :)
Good quality power supply is essential if electronics are integrated. Bulbs may be OK, but imagine having a stabilizer for everything :)

I believe there are only few cities in India where people get proper 24x7 power supply and without any spikes and such.
Mumbai seems one of them. I think we in Mumbai pay higher prices for electricity but the service is unparalleled.
I get surprised if I ever see power cut here.
Good quality power supply is essential if electronics are integrated. Bulbs may be OK, but imagine having a stabilizer for everything :)
Or you can put a whole house stab. They come in capacities of 5KVa+ so just one stabilizer is also possible. AC's will need their own though.
Am aware about servo-stabs being available, but the size.....what if one lives in a rented place. One has to be practical.
If it is one's own place, yes, things can be re-arranged to suit the purposes.
Hmm. Good point about the quality of electricity being fed. :).

However, I have heard of few apartment block in Trivandrum that ran for their generator for 27hours straight once. :O. Things are getting better in India. I meant quality of life.
I am sure few years back, they would have been in the dark for 27 hours. One day our power grid will be efficient enough do that.
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