Storage Solutions SMART warning on this HDD - troubleshooters come forward

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Fellas got a Seagate 1TB hdd, but it is showing some SMART errors, please help me out with these. Are these deadly.
Also predict the lifespan of my HDD and its data.


O&O DriveLED 4 Pro.

Floating Widget right click-->Reports-->Generate report for Seagate 1TB hdd(model name)

rotating platter---No guarantee
^ strange it is showing the drive as healthy, still is the hdd reliable anymore and "reallocation sector count" is not a minor issue is it?

This is what the numbers are on my drive,.. you may compare it... The relocated sector count is way too high on your drive... run error scan on this drive by HD tune pro
Emmett Brown said:
If it is still working after sometime it is not a problem.. if it is not working after sometime, then its not a minor issue.
after all its HDD.... may serve you for good long years or may die even in a week... depends..
As fro now, its working...i am afraid to store anything in it :crazy:
pratikb said:
take out data and time for RMA.
Oops!!! did some warranty void :(
If you can, take out all data off the drive and do a low-level format and then test it again with HD Tune. If it still shows warnings, then you better think about replacing the drive. Even if it doesn't show any warnings, I wouldn't trust the drive completely. It'd better to get a new 1TB drive and setup a RAID-1 array if you plan to keep any important stuff on the disk.
^ well i did a complete format yesterday, and also remaped the whole HDD, so there is no bad sector (HDtune error scan didn't show any)
The HDD is fine. Just make sure you keep an eye on "Reallocated Sector Count". If they start increasing then only you are in trouble. Most modern HDD's have some reserved area on the platter which they use only if some sectors are bad. The data is moved to these reserved sectors from the sectors gone bad. The plus point is that the data is safe but the minus point is since the HDD has to work more in accessing the data on the reserved sectors the chances of failure increases over time (provided these bad sectors are increasing rapidly). But all this is hypothetical. The drive may work for years or may die suddenly even if there are zero bad sectors...

So just make sure you check it every now & then, to be sure & do not keep important data unless you have backup...

CRC error is most probably caused by a bad cable & replacing it usually takes care of the problem. If this count is increasing albeit slowly, you should change the cable...
^ thanks mate, i have tried changing the cables but the error still exist. Even i have tried the cables from my error-free WD drives, but the errors are still visible :(
dude dont mess up good drives for this. keep the WD as it is. only crc will change not the sector count. crc will generally not change until the pcb is changed. i dont think its worth changing the pcb on this though.
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